23.| Again To Principal's Figgins Office

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23.| Again To Principal's Figgins Office

Dusk Til Dawn - Zyan Malik"But you'll never be alone, I'll be with you from dusk til dawn, il be with you from dusk til dawn, baby, I'm right here,"

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Dusk Til Dawn - Zyan Malik
"But you'll never be alone, I'll be with you from dusk til dawn, il be with you from dusk til dawn, baby, I'm right here,"


Jayden, Kurt, Burt and Johnathon Collins all looked at Principal Figgins as Johnathon leaned against Jayden's chair as Burt did the same as they stared at him, "first of all, Mr. Collins and Mr. Hummel, congratulations on your early exit poll numbers, things are looking very good indeed for you,"

Burt looked at Johnathon, as they both looked at Principal Figgins, "thank you, Figgins, now can you tell me why we are here today?"

Principal Figgins looked at Jayden and Kurt's dads, "there seems to have been some irregularities with the student council ballot boxes," Jayden furrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean by irregularities?"

Coach Beiste looked at both Kurt and Jayden, "Kurt and Jayden won..but by 190 votes," Johnathon smiled, "well, that's great!-" Johnathon looked at his son, "right?"

Coach Beiste grabbed the ballot slips, "well the problem is there's more ballots than there are seniors, and Kurt and Jayden won by a suspiciously wide margin,"

Jayden and Kurt both looked at each other, "no-no, we didn't do it, we didn't cheat, I mean, we mean, I thought about it-but I-i-i-"

Burt looked at Kurt, "what do you mean you thought about it?" Kurt let out a breath, "I-i thought about it because we want to win so badly, and I was worried that I wouldn't, but, but since Jayden has helped me, we have been getting more votes, we have worked really hard on this, Principle Figgins,"

"We didn't cheat!"


Jayden and Kurt both walked towards Finn, Rachel and Lucy as Jayden bit down on his lip as he walked towards his girlfriend who stared at him, "someone stuffed the ballot boxes, they think we did it- if they can prove it then we could get suspended for a week-"

Rachel looked at her boyfriend, "oh, my god, babe.." Jayden looked at her, "and we won because I remember that half of the cheerios did going to vote for us, then the football team and the dance team, so we should of won.."

Kurt looked at Rachel, "I can forget about NYADA and New York cause they'll never take me now, you know, the worst part is that we really, tried so hard to win the election-"

Rachel put her hands on each side of Jayden's arms, "Jayden, I am, I am, so, so sorry..." Jayden looked at Rachel, "and the worst part is that my dad actually thinks that I did it," Jayden walked past Rachel, with tears coming from his eyes as he wipes them away to come into contact with Santana and Brittany, "hey, watch where you're-"

Santana furrowed her eyebrows, "Jayden?" Jayden just walked past Santana and Brittany, as Brittany frowned at her, "San, Jayden's sad-" Santana just rubbed her arm.


Jayden sat far part from everyone as he looked at Finn as Rachel wasn't in the choir room, "okay guys, Shelby and I wanted to say that you've really inspired us," Shelby smiled, "when we face off at Sectionals, it will be with more empathy, and a deeper understanding of each other-"

Mr. Schue smiled, "that's right-" Jayden smiled back at his teacher, "that's right!" Kurt looked at everyone, as he was about to say something, Rachel walked inside, "Rachel?"

Jayden furrowed his eyebrows at his girlfriend as he saw the tears coming down from her face, "I just, uh, told Principle Figgins that I rigged the election so that Kurt and Jayden would win.."

Jayden stared at his girlfriend, "what?" Rachel looked at Jayden, "Jayden.." Jayden looked at Rachel, "I told you that my dad thinks that I cheated on this stupid damn election but actually it was you to freaking damn rig the election so.."

Rachel looked at her boyfriend, "babe.." Jayden looked away from Jayden as Finn spoke, "what did he say?" Rachel looked at Finn, "that he said that he had no choice but to put it on my permanent record, and that I am suspended for a week also he said that I was banned from competing at Sectionals-"

Jayden's mouth widened as he stared at his girlfriend, "so what did he say about the election?" Rachel bit on her lip, "he said that he would have to have another election again to see who the winner is-"


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