Can Love Be Hidden?

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"Lily and James Potter are back."

It seemed as though all went dim in the Malfoy Manor. Moods dampened and souls darkened.

The Death Eaters sat at the table, stunned.

Bellatrix's icy voice broke the sinister silence with a question that lingered through everyone's mind.

"How is that possible, my Lord? You killed them yourself."

Voldemort was taken aback himself. But he knew the answer. He studied each of their questioning faces one last time.

"The Mirror of Erised. Someone has disovered its secret. You can enter the mirror into another universe, where all your dreams," he paused. "Are a reality." He glanced at Severus.

There was a unanimous gasp. The mirror had been sitting in silence for years now. Who could've -

Everyone turned their eyes to Severus Snape. He was a teacher at Hogwarts. He had been close to Lily in his own years as a student. But Snape looked indifferent.

"I know what you're thinking," he said monotonously. "I know where the mirror is. I loved Lily. Loved. Not anymore. She married and had a child. Why would I want anything to do with her anymore?"

He felt a sharp pain in his heart. He still loved her more than life itself. He loved her son, Harry. But, being as trained as he was, he was believed. Only he could hide the pain of losing someone so clode to his heart.

Everyone looked around. No one else could have done it. A veil fell over Voldemort's eyes. It told his followers sitting around him their next direction, as if it wasn't obvious. They all understood in that second.


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