Our Story

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         On March 3rd, 12 years ago, I met my best friend. I met her at a park when our parents were signing us up for summer camp. My mom was in the office with one of the coaches and I was sitting outside the office listening to music. While I was listening to music I started to hum a bit and all of a sudden I heard someone humming with me. I looked and there was this girl.She was tall just like me and her voice was incredible. She started singing to the song as I was humming, it was 'Just The Way You Are' by Bruno mars. Since that very day we clicked. 

         We were that duo everyone wanted to be around only because if we were bored, we would find a way to have some fun and by that I mean us little girls would go around serenading random people at summer camp and we would also pull pranks on a lot of people, sometimes people got very annoyed. We did pretty much everything together, we were each others rocks. I swear it felt like we knew each other our whole lives. She was like my big sister throughout the years, even though we used to argue that she was only a few days older than me. But I still considered her my big sister. 

         No matter what she always knew if there was something wrong with me, no matter how hard I tried to hide it from her. She always knew what to say to make me feel better. She always reminded me to stay positive no matter how hard everything is. Later on throughout the years when I had to move, it was one of the hardest things I had to do. It broke my heart to leave her and camp. That was my escape from all the chaos at home. I missed her so much. There was a short time where we lost contact with each other and we didn't talk at all, until I reached out and got ahold of her. When we got that relationship back it was like no matter what happened we always had that bond. When my mom left my dad, she was there for me, she was there through all of it. She helped me come to terms with the divorce and how my family was changing. When I lost multiple people in my life she helped me cope with it. I lost myself a couple of times and she was there to help me pick up the pieces. She was legit my everything, my better half, my best friend and my sister. 

          In senior year there was a high chance I wasn't going to graduate and everyone, I mean everyone in my family put me down so much to the point I was believing what they said until she talked to me. She said that she believed in me no matter what happens. She had confidence in me, she knew I was going to pass that test and walk that stage and she said that she would be in those seats sitting front row, like I was at her graduation, being prouder than ever of me. But because of drunk driving, she never made it.

          On March 12th of last year, I was at home with my family when I got the phone call that something had happened, and that it was about her. My heart literally dropped, I fell to the floor and completely broke down. Right then and there I knew I would never see her again. I knew I would never hear her voice ever again. All these thoughts came to my head like crazy. I started to scream "NO" on the top of my lungs, asking, "why her?" Why take my best friend? She doesn't deserve this, her family doesn't deserve this, we don't deserve this. Why would you take away such a good person who meant the world to everyone? Then all of sudden I decided to look at my phone and I saw that she called me that night. I couldn't answer because I was busy, I immediately felt full of regret for not answering the phone to hear her voice. 

                                                    She was killed in a drunk driving accident. 

       She was at a party with other friends, it was the beginning of spring break and they were all drinking, including the driver. My best friend and her brother got in the car with the driver and told him to take them home, he was swerving at speeding really fast. When they came to a stop light he ran it, crashing into another drunk driver. They collided into a truck, the car she was in flipped multiple times and then caught on fire. She was killed instantly in the crash, she had no chance of surviving at that point. She wasn't wearing her seatbelt, and due to that, she had a lot of the damage to her body. 

        Since that night, I haven't been the same at all. I miss her no matter what. I have random breakdowns to this day. There are times where I cry nonstop and I can't even describe the nightmares I have from her funeral, which was an open casket. She was unrecognizable, we weren't allowed to touch her because if we did, her body would fall apart from the damage. They had to put my best friend together like a puzzle because of what that accident did, because of what drunk driving did. Losing my best friend is the hardest, most terrible thing that has ever happened to me. Not being able to hear her voice or see her breaks my heart into a million pieces. I would have never thought that I would be living my life without her. We both made so many plans on what we were going to do when we got older and moved away from this place. We both told each other that if and when we have kids and they were girls, that we would name them after each other. I can't emphasize this enough, drunk driving is a horrible issue that does not seek enough attention, it is one of the main factors in car accidents and the fatalities that come along with them. Wearing your seatbelt gives you a better chance at surviving and avoiding injury, giving you another chance at life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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