Character Info

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Name: 이 진환 / Lee Jinhwan

Birthday: January 4, 1999

Place of Birth: California, USA
Ethnicity: Korean/ American/ Chinese
Hair color (natural): Dark brown/ Black
Height: 164 cm (5'5 ft)
Position: lead singer, lead dancer, sub rapper, visual
Languages: English, Chinese, Korean and French
Instruments: Piano, Guitar and Violin
Sub-Units:  NCT 127,NCT U,  NCT DREAM, & SuperM
Mom: Lee Jisoo 
Dad: James Cohen (deceased)
Younger Brother: Justin Lee 
Back Story:
When Jinhwan was younger she lived in a town near the beach in California and lived there until her father died when she was 14 years old. She was inspired by her father to pursue music because that was the one thing that really bonded the two together. After that she auditioned for SM Entertainment and passed. Her mom was against the idea of her becoming an idol. A year after Jinhwan training her mother cut off all contact from her because Jinhwan refused to come back to California. She is still in contact with her brother.  She trained for one year and SM decided to put her in NCT and they trained for one year and debuted with 7th sense.

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