Chapter Seven

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When I awake I’m in a dark, damp, dirty, disgusting room. The floor is pure dirt. I can hear whimpering and crying from other areas of the room. A small light flickers on in the middle of the room. I try to get up, but don’t succeed. I look down only to find my ankle locked to a chain. After I let my eyes adjust to the dim lighting I can see clearly. In the corner to my left is Sophia Smith and to my right is Isabella Martinez. The corner diagonal from me is empty. Nothing but an empty chain. I can hear footsteps coming down a set of stairs. The man emerges from a hidden door. He sashays over to Isabella and crouches down in front of her. He says something to her and I can see her eyes begin to water. He gives her a glass of water, turns off the light, and disappears into the hidden stairway.  A few hours later I wake up to a faint coughing and wheezing.

 “ Isabella?”I whisper.

“Yeah?” She says between coughs.

“You okay?”I ask.

“Yeah, I’m just having a hard time breathing, but I’m just gonna try to sleep.”, She says.

“Oh okay” I say.  

A little later the light comes back on. Isabella is just meekly laying there. The man comes in, unlocks her chain, and carries her away.

        The man doesn’t return until the next day. He comes in with two glasses of yellow liquid and two dishes of something that seems to have once been mashed potatoes. He goes first over to Sophia, whispers something , and then sets down the food. Then he slyly struts over to me. I don’t make any eye contact whatsoever.

“Thanks for stopping by” he snarks. He sets down the food, turns off the lights,and exits the room as though this is completely normal. After he’s gone I poke and prod the mush on the plate. I’m so hungry I could eat anything. I smell and attempt to examine whatever this is that he gave me. It smells horrid. Which the room being completely dark doesn’t help much. I decide to wait and try to sleep off my hunger instead of risking my life. I’m awaken just moments later to a whimpering sound.

“ Sophia?” I say.

“Huh?” she asks.

“Are you okay” I ask.

“No.. I’m scared and whatever I ate is making me feel sick.” she cried.

 “You ate it?!”I ask trying not to show that she could be the next one to drop dead.

“Yes… I was so hungry”she whines.

“Okay, just try to sleep it off” I say.

“Okay.”she says.

Missing by Jahla McCloudWhere stories live. Discover now