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Wtf just happened?

Okay. Lets assess this situation. So I was sitting with my bestie and talking when out of nowhere a really handsome man popped up and held my hands (and I blushed like an idiot). Then he started accusing me of leaving him and that he loves me. When I said I don't know him he started sobbing and then left saying he will live with this heartbreak. But then he again comes back and eats half of my donut and stuffs the rest of it into my mouth.

That's an understatement. Its almost creepy.

"Well....", Wren has recovered from the initial shock and is looking at me for an explanation.


"Say something y/n."

" I have no idea what just happened."

"Do you know him?"

"Of course not! If I would have known him I wouldn't be so clueless"

"Whatever it is,he was cute", Wren said dreamily

"And weird"

"Its a part of the package honey.", She grins.

I laugh

"Anyways. He might just have been given a dare or something.", Wren says

"Hmm. Its getting late. I think we should get to the university. We have to unpack and meet our roomates."


We get out of the airport and get into a taxi. Wren is blabbering constantly as I look out of the window. London is so dreamy! We pass various beautiful parks and buildings. I am instantly ingrossed into London's beauty forgetting about the scene at the airport.

About an hour later we reach the university. Its huge! A huge crowd of students fills the vast gardens of the university.

"I'll meet up with you tonight at 8. We'll have dinner and I'll give you a tour of London."

I nod at Wren and start to find my way to Pound hall. I wonder who my roommate is. He is going to be a boy. I hadn't thought much on this but now my stomach is in knots. After all I have to share an apartment with a boy for about an year!

I was walking around looking lost when some one bumped into me.

"Ow!", I fell to the ground on my butt.

"I am sorry!", the person I bumped into said. He lent me a hand.

"I am quite lost actually.",he said ,lifting me up. He flashes me a cute bunny smile.

"Same with me. I can't find my way to the Pound hall.",I tell him dusting my clothes.

"Oh, Pound hall! I will be in the Thomas hall."

"BTW, I am y/n."


We start chatting and walking around. Jungkook is a really cute and funny guy. We will be having Literature class together. I am glad a already made a friend.

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