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Beep. Be-   
          "Ah, not this time. I am gonna get rid of you one of these days. Just watch.", I mumbled to the alarm clock on my bedside table.
       It was helpful at first, but now it's plain irritating. Seeing as how I'm waisting time arguing with myself over the fact that I own this abomination, might as well get up and change because I need to get to school bright and early!
       Goody. Sarcasm, the greatest way of expression known to man.
       Yesterday had been fun, until Spencer decided to bug in. He tried to strike up conversation from the fence he was hanging off of, but I dismissed him before things were said and pancake batter began to fly again.
        Once I was decent enough,i head downstairs and was a bit early than usual, but I still saw mom in the kitchen. She smiled at me and then beckoned for me to come. 
        "Since my little girl is growing up and becoming a super star, I think it's time for you to use the car.", my mom said, handing me her keys to the Honda Seden.
       I gawked at the keys then hugged my mom smiling. She clicked her tongue and pointed at her watch. I nod then head out running, putting my bag across my shouler.
         Once I was inside, I screamed my guts out before starting up the car. I got my Driver's Permit last year and now I drove a car. Now was a great time for some All Time Low.
The drive to school was full of singing and smiling for me. That was until I actually made it to school and now I had to walk across the building to get to Ms.McAdams AP class. 
        I knocked twice before hearing her telling me to come in. The door opned and she smiled at me.
       Then I saw him sitting in one of the two chairs at her desk. Now it all makes sense! That's why he had stayed after class, he was meeting her too. This doesn't feel right. Something's up. 
       Not really noticing, I had pushed up my glasses once more. Some nervous tick! 
         He sees Ms.McAdams looking at me and then looked confusly at me, before having a moment of idiocy and remembering me from yesterday. He smiled and I just rolled my eyes. I walked towards them and sat down, ringing my fingers on my lap. 
         "Well, Miss Grey and Mr.Scott, I called for you both to come this morning because you, Miss Grey, have the highest scores in the grade and you, Mr.Scott, have been falling behind in some of your classes.", she says, briefly pausing to get our attention. 
         My cheeks must have grown red from the sudden realization. Nothing else screams 'Nerd' than being told by an educational instructor that you are having a higher grade than everyone in the year.
       Then I felt curiosity cover my awkwardness. "Okay. Thanks for that...but what does that have to do with the fact you called us up?", I asked. Will only nodded to further prove our curiosity.
         She folds her hands, "I called you because if Mr.Scott does not raise his grades by the end of the semester, he will be removed from the football and soccer team until further notice. That's why-"
          "Are you crazy? It's midseason right now! You can't kick me off!", Will rudely interrupted.
       I scoff at his anxiety over the team. Ms.McAdams just stared at me, "If you hadn't rudely interrupted, Mr.Scott, you would have heard that that is why I am assigning Miss Grey as your tutor. She will help bring up your grades and you will have to do whatever she sees necessary."
          Her words settled in and I sat up straighter, pushing my glasses up before they fell. "Uh, w-what do you, um, mean by t-tutor?", I stuttered out and pulled at my beanie out of embarrasment.
       Will also seemed surprised about this, but the name hadn't registered in his head. Wow, I guess the hurting process was quicker for this guy. 
          "It is true. You will be his tutor, showing him everything we have learned and will be mentoring him until the end of the semester, which I believe ends at the end of the school year. You have until the last day of the semester to raise your grade.
        Miss Grey, congratulations also for getting a letter from that music company."
I looked at her with wide eyes, not knowing how she could have known.
       "Your mother was too excited and sent me a message about it.", she explains to me.
       Of  course she did. The perks of having your mom know practically all the people that you do not want to usually associate yourself with.
        "You are both dismissed. Schedule meeting days and then finalize them with me.", she says. I weakly smile at her when she congratulated me and then I was quick to walk out the room.
          Then I remembered I had Will here. So I waited until he walked out the class too. He began walking down the hall, towards his locker most likely, but then I jogged past him to stand in front of him.
        I pushed up my glasses and then looked up at him, "Alright, you'll be seeing me for the rest of the year more than usual, so my last name is Grey and I'm in your AP class, clearly, and you had hit me with your locker. Any questions? No. Good. Meet me in the library after school to start your tutoring. Good bye."
           Will looked shocked a little from my sudden confidence, but I just nodded at him and walked past him towards my locker.
        He then grabbed my wrist to look at me, "Wait, about that, I'm actually sorry you got hurt and can we make it another day, I have plans today."
        Really, that's what was so important to make me look at him. 
        I roll my eyes at him, "I can't believe I care more about your grades than yourself. It's not my problem if you have a date, but I do have a problem when irritating people think they could just do whatever they please." 
            My sudden rant made me aware of how much I've been keeping closed and now I said it to Will. It didn't matter because he really was irritating, and popular, but I stepped away and pulled out my hand.
        Then I walked away, but turned to him, "Doesn't really matter, but I'll be in the library. It's up to you if you don't wanna pass high school." Then I walked down the hall and knew this was the beginning of the end. 

We have officialy reached the point the title points to. Let Dylan's adventure begin! Remember, no shame in a lil selfadvertising. Thanks for reading. Comment, share, & heart! 

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