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        The sky wasn't cloudy and waiting to drop rain from above like earlier, depending when earlier was. I felt great breathing in the smell of morning dew on the grass and the gentle wind blowing through my brunette hair. Everything felt right, especially the feeling of comfort from the fingers enter twined with mine. It held a bit of safety and reassurance. 
        "Can I tell you a secret?", I heard him whisper, his voice somehow very familiar, but I can't remember. All in all, it made a smile creep onto my lips. 
        "Under one condition.", I said in a teasing and confident manner. No stuttering, no hesitations, and no awkwardness;a way of speaking I've forget I've ever used, but felt good doing it. 
        I could see him smile and his fingers playing with my own. He was my comfort and somehow I still couldn't put an exact face on him, but he still responded, "Really? And what would that be, huh?" His voice was teasing as well. I still noticed we were in the park and then untangled my fingers from his, laughing and smiling at him.
        "You gotta catch me first!", I screamed, while standing on my toes and running forward towards the fields of flowers, which grew amazing pansies and forget me not flowers and so many other flowers. It was a great place to allow myself to roam free and live in the moment. His footsteps were only a few paces behind me and I then turned and ran back towards the way we came, running past him. It was fun keeping him on edge and decided to look back.
       Bad idea because the moment I looked back, I saw him with a huge grin on his face and then his hands wrap around my waist, turning me around and falling into the field with him above me. I was laughing like crazy from his tickling, but then slapped his hands away. I pushed my glasses back up my nose and looked up at him. Then I held his cheek and smirked, "Alright, you caught me. What's your secret?"
         His grin seemed to have stretched across his entire face and plucked a forget me not into my hair, "I don't think it's a secret in the first place, but I just wanted to tell you that there's nothing more I look forward to than being with you everyday, Dylan." My face must have been hotter than the sun by now and my heart was waiting to explode, but what really sent me over the edge was the proximity of his lips to mine. He was so close to my lips that they brushed against mine, barely, so I lifted myself up a bit to meet his lips and held myself on my elbow while grabbing his neck with the other. The kiss felt blissful and full of love. 
        It went on and on for a while and then he let out an unintentional moan, making me let go of his lips to chuckle from his reaction, only making him hold me closer. That only caused me to erupt into harder laughs. 
        "Can I tell you a secret?", I whispered in his ear. He slowly nodded from his spot in my hear and I turned to finally catch a good look at his head. "I look forward to seeing you everyday too...
         Will." Then he leaned in to kiss me one more time, allowing me to let everything fade away. 

       Suddenly there was a pounding in my head and I sat there wide awake, seeing flashes of images from the dream I just had. It was now the second time I dreamed about Will. The thought made me shiver, and maybe because a strong wind flew by me. Somehow, I can still feel the sensation of the warmth of his lips that have truly never touched mine. Either way I reached up to touch my lips and pulled away spitting, feeling bits of soil and dried mud on my finders and inside parts of my nails. 
        My back was aching and, most likely bruising, being poked with the rough touch of the bark on the tree. I took off my glasses to peel off the mud that had spotted my glasses. Once I put them back and clearly visible, I collected myself. To put it in simple terms; I look like crap. 
        I sat up straighter and winced, seeing my mud covered sweatpants showing a bit of red and a cut in the side. A branch must have scratched me on the way down. It hurt either way. If that wasn't bad enough, my converse might not make it into next month and my clothes were clinging to me like a life source, while, whatever skin is noticable, there is dried mud.
        It didn't help that it was already afternoon because the sun hurt my sleepy eyes. I made a move to stand, but my body ached in pain from soreness and I then did the worst thing imaginable. I began sneezing. Great! I got a cold, too. What else you gonna throw at me?
        Seems like my question was answered because soon enough it drizzled. Then I remembered. Yesterday was Wednesday, meaning today was Thursday. I missed school! You can't be serious. I didn't care if my body screamed not to move, I reached up and into my sweatshirt, feeling my way down my shirt to grab my phone. Don't hate, where else was I suppose to put it, my hair?
        I unlocked the screen and quickly dialed the number I have memorized. After a few rings and grunts of annoyance from me, he finally answered.
        "Hello?", Marc said.
        A sigh of relief left my lips, "Marc! Thank god, it's me, Dylan."
         I could hear him gasp and then move around, most likely excused himself to go to the restroom, "Dylan! Where are you? What happened to you? Kat is worried sick about you. You didn't answer our calls."
Then I paused to pull the phone away, only to see that he was right. About 30 missed of everything was on my screen.
       "Sorry, it was nothing. Doesn't matter...I'll e-explain later. Just...can you come and get me, p-please? I can't really, um, get up. I'm at the park near one of the hiking trails", I told him.
       "I can't believe you're there. I'll be there as soon as I can. How-Are you okay?", asked Marc, a bit rushed and worried.
       Seriously? It's like asking a guy who recently lost his leg if they're able to walk.
       "Peachy.", I coughed hoarsely, "Just get yourself over here." My voice managed to hold sarcasm, but that didn't stop Marc to annoy me. Again. 
       "Love you, too. 'May the force be with you', Dylan.", he said, while I hung up in annoyance without responding to his horrible reference. 

It was hard to pass up this scene because we are finally going to have a whole lot more of Dylan/Will interaction. The dream was inspired by my music and because I've been dying to write one of these scenes. 
Hope you guys liked this chapter and I'll see ya guys in the next one.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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