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       Somehow the drive calmed my nerves and the heating was just right, since the weather had changed to adjust to my mood.
        It had been warm in the morning, but a bit hazy in the clouds. Now, as I sit in Will's black Chevy Camaro, I can see the sky a vast range of grey, waiting to rain. It was practically almost the end of winter and it's trying to do what it mostly can to finish the season. 
        My sleeves were about to rip with the hold I kept. We were only a block away now from my house and I began to worry what was bound to happen. My mom will act as if nothing happened and he'll see it. He'll see all the memories we have of our childhood and mine. My foot tapped against the bottom of the door and Will had not even glanced in my direction once, while I have sneaked a peek once or twice. He was quiet most of the time and then I realized something.
        He never asked for directions...
        I sat up straighter and then leaned my head on the window, while my house came into view. My head wasn't hurting as badly as earlier, but I still wasn't feel better. That's why I should just-
        Will coughed, catching my startled attention, "We're here. I'll be living next door, loser."
       Once he finished smirking, he then moved himself to face me. I stuttered at a loss of words and let myself stare deep into those mysterious hazel eyes of his. They were so tantalizing that-
        Wait, what?! Did I just...What?! Oh. My. God. 
       "Huh? Oh. I-Yeah, that's, um, right. Let's go, ah, inside.", I responded and mentally facepalmed myself for how pathetic that sounded. Even I felt like crawling away from the awkwardness. Somehow my words took time to register because I had to move my head to the side a bit because Will wasn't responding for a second. I felt self-conscious under his stare and then pulled at my bag. 
        Now it was my turn to cough. Will almost dropped his hand from the wheel, "Yeah. Let me get the door for you."
         He acted as if he never stared at me in the first place. I saw him walk in front of the car and then come to my side, opening the door for me to get up. He held out his hand and I happily took it because I could barely feel my legs. I didn't let go of his arm, but he wasn't complaining. The door closed and we walked up the path to my door. My bag felt heavy on my shoulder, but I held myself up while opening the front door. 
        The gust of warm air hit me like a warm hug and I smiled. Then I remembered where we were. I turned to face Will and he was looking around where he could from the door, with his backpack slung on his right shoulder. He caught my stare and I pushed my glasses up before saying, "Come inside, you'll, um, get cold. The living rooms in there, I'll get the, ah, work you." Then I closed the door and made my way into the kitchen. There was no one there. Except a sticky note on the fridge with $20 dollars. 
        Needed at work early, emergency. Hope you had a good day. I'll be home by 10. -Love, mom 
        Oh, thank goodness. Thank you, mom. 
        I then walked away from the kitchen towards the stairs and head up to my bedroom. It was a bit messy, thanks to Marcus, but I was really feeling dizzy now. Not really caring, and it was bloody cold, I changed from my outfit to something more comfortable. Then I made sure I can walk, before I went over to my cabinet and took out some Advil and grabbing my backpack to take downstairs. The house was a bit chilly now, but I just pulled down my sleeves a bit more. 
        Once I made it downstairs, I slowly walked into the living room. Luckily there were no pictures hanging around in there or the halls. Pays off when family has actual photo albums instead of putting pictures around the house.
        Then I saw Will sitting on the sofa, looking through his backpack and pulling at his wrist. I had to keep myself form gasping by pushing up my glasses and biting my sleeve. He was wearing the blue and green frienship bracelet we had 3rd grade. It had always been a habit of his to pull at it. It was strange to see him do it. 
      "Uh, hey, so you ready the, um, work?", I questioned, partially embarassed to ruin his moment, but he just nodded at me and motioned for me to follow him in. Then I sit a couple of inches away from him and set the coffee table with my notes and textbooks.
       The studying was seeming to go pretty well and I was becoming much more awkward than normal and it was really affecting me both good and bad. Will would always laugh when I ended up saying something ridiculous or awkward, then I'd always say something sarcastic back at him, making us both fall into laughter. Then I also saw that our teacher was right and Will was struggling in almost all his classes, except AP Bio. He would grow frustrated and want to give up, but I wouldn't let him. 
        We had some food, which was my idea but Will thought it was better for him to pay, and enjoyed pizza.
        The session continued for the next few hours, but soon enough it was getting late. It was the last few minutes and we were finishing a Calculus problem and then I didn't notice Will staring at me until I looked up and saw him myself. I grew red and pushed up my glasses. Then he sat on the rug like I was and pulled at his wrist again before groaning, most likely to himself. He was silent for a while and I couldn't stop wondering what he was doing. It was making me nervous, but then I also noticed him continuing stating at me. 
       I was going to stand up to retake my pill, but Will caught my hand, "Wait! I...Why didnt you say anything?"
       My mind was really turning but nothing popped into my head, "W-what do you mean? About what?" Then I pushed up my glasses.
       "It's been a while and you don't even bother saying anything. Do you remember this?", he said, trying to finish a puzzle I am truly clueless to. Then I knew what he meant because he reached into his back pocket and held out my hand to him, when I felt string touch my palm. It was my blue and green frienship bracelet I had lost a while ago. Will had it with him. All. This. Time. 

Until the next update! 
Love you guys!
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