A long long journey

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Many many many years ago. In the year 323, there was a war between witches and humans. Witches are known as  magical beings who can create and manipulate matter and mass, use sources of witchcraft, summon beings and other creatures to their will. Witches have caused great fortune and great trouble. Witches could cause disasters and health and create supernatural beings. Beings such as, the Beastfallen. Beastfallen are half-Beast half-man beings with a animal that they portray. Witches created Beastfallen to create and army of soldiers to work for them or work with them.  But due to Beastfallen's choosing there own lives, and witches using Beastfallen's body parts such as there arms, legs, torsos, and heads, as ingredients for there witchcraft and spells. Humans grew fear of Beastfallen, believing that they hurt them. Well, it's not there fault for a believe like that. When beastfallen get too hungry and hasn't had any food, they will crave a taste for human flesh. And they won't stop till they had enough to eat. That's why people hate beastfallen and others cherish them. Probably because there not afraid of them or sees them as monsters. I wish others could be like them, I wish that this whole mess would just get erased already, I wish that none of this ever happ....


"Huh! What..? What happened?" I heard a voice call out to me, and it turns out to just be a witch that I knew.
"You dose off again." The witch said. "You seem to always be dozing off a lot now, what's on your mind?" She asked with a slight tilted head.
I brushed off the idea and just got up from the ground and packed my stuff up. "It's nothing. I'm just thinking a lot."

My name is....Actually I think it's best if you just call me Mercenary. Since I am one. And the little witch right next to me is Zero. A mud black witch. A witch that get's something from nothing and...Why the hell i'm I even explaining this?

I'm a beastfallen. I represent the animal of a white tiger. And I don't really always play nice. I do tend to be rough around the edges. Zero tends to be the person I'm looking after while she travels. Since she's pretty little, but very strong and powerful. And a total smart-ass. Of course, we are in for another day of seeing new things, avoiding others I hope, and Zero trying out new food. But every time she does that, she always says that my food is the best. Heh, that little brat.

"Mercenary." Zero Calls from below the tree that Mercenary was sleeping in. "Come on!" Let's Head our while there's still day light!"

I hop down from the tree I was sleeping in, and follow Zero down a path towards some other friends of ours.

"We still a lot of time before the sun goes down again." I say with a sigh. "Yet you always have to rush before you miss something."

Zero looks back at me with some serious look on her face. It could be something important! What if it's something that could lead us to untold riches, what if it could lead us to a whole buffet of food!" She days with her face full of joy and flattered by the thought of eating. As she says this, I hear a strange growling noise from below her.

"You must be hungry?" I say with an eyebrow raised.

"Yea." She says with a look of disappointment on her face as she holds onto her stomach. "I didn't eat much last night, and I didn't have breakfast yet."

"I'll cook us some food soon." I say.  "Can you wait just a little longer for that?"

"Ummmm, I'll try." Zero says while this time, clenching her stomach. She always had such a huge appetite like a beastfallen and would eat and eat till her heart's desire. The only downfall is....I would be low on food. And ingredients.

We walked through the woods for a little while till eventually we caught up with two others that we are great friends with. Another witch named Albus and another beastfallen with the spiritual animal of a wolf named Holdem. Or I just like to call him dog face. Just to make fun of him.

"Zero. Mercenary!" The blond hair witch called out to us as we were heading towards their spot.

"Albus." Zero said with a grin. "It's good to see you. I hope things haven't been to hasty have they?"

Albus shakes her head. "Nah. Not at all." She says with a little smirk on her face. God I hated it when witches have that stupid smirk. It always meant trouble, especially for beastfallen. "I got Holdem here to protect me. And plus I'm been getting better on that water trick you showed me a while ago. It helped me catch so many fish." Albus said with now a face of excitement. That was even worse then the smirk. Albus then leans close to Zero and signals her to lean closer to her so Albus can whisper something in her ear. "I even would manage to get Holdem all soaked and soggy."

Both the witches crack out laughs and wouldn't even stop for at least a good 3 minutes.

"The hell you two giggling about?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. They just turn to look at me, with those damn smirks on their faces.

"Nothing" they both say. But I didn't believe it one bit. "Oh! Mercenary!" Zero said with a excitement tone in her voice.
"Yea." I said.
"Would you mind getting some ingredients I need? It's really important." The witch said with this pleading look on her face. Something about this "Ingredients" seem a bit off. And what for exactly?
"What is it for." Holdem asked with a raised eyebrow.
"It's for a special potion I've been working on." Zero said. "I'll need some ingredients to complete it but there pretty far out and I can't get them by myself. So, can you get them?"
"Why the hell would I get something like that, so far away from here, just so you can make some so called "Important Potion?" Mercenary said with a serious tone in his voice. "Why can't you just get somebody to get it for you?"
"Well, I know your my body guard but I'm a little busy with something else at the matter." Zero said.
"Something like wh...." Mercenary said before his sentence was cut off by Albus.
"Why don't you get Holdem to help you?" Albus said pointed her hand towards the wolf beastfallen.
"WHAAAAAT?!" Both Mercenary's yell.
"But my lady, I'm supposed to be protecting you from any dan..."
"I can take care of myself you know?!" Albus said to Holdem whom had now a dumbstruck look on his face. "Me and Zero will be fine by are-selves. Besides, if it's anyone that needs to be looked after." Albus said leaning whispering pretty loudly in Zero's ear. "It's Holdem who needs the protecting." Both witches giggled at the thought of Holdem needing help from a larger beastfallen to save him. Even though his supposed to be a guardian.
"Hey!" Holdem shouted at both witches. "I can hear you, you know!"

"Alright." Mercenary said.
Both witches and Holdem look at him dumbfounded and puzzled.
"What?" All three say.
"It might be pretty busy. But I guess two is better then one." Mercenary said with a little bit of Boredom on his face.
Holdem had no words and both witches grinned at the thought of Holdem and Mercenary working together again.

"Let's get going." Mercenary told Holdem. And he packed his stuff up and soon or later, they both headed out to search for Zero's ingredients.

"Zero gave me this map. Maybe that might help us find the ingredients." Mercenary said pointing at some spots on the map.

"Well, Brother. Let's not wait too long. Let's head out so we can get this over with." Holdem said

"Heh, couldn't agree to Yea more dogface." Mercenary said with a sly grin on his face.

"I'm a wolf dammit!" Holdem yelled.

Mercenary sighed. "This is gonna be a long, long, Journey."

And Mercenary and Holdem headed out to the west to get the ingredients Zero needed.

Lost magical love (Grimoire of zero Mercenary x Holdem) Where stories live. Discover now