Chapter 7: Someone likes me (p.s.: It's max)

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"Never be a prisoner of your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence."


I watched my own hands. Green veins visible under the translucent olive skin. Lifting my head I peered at the mirror strung at level to my bed, my own teal eyes looked back at me; defeated and dreary.

"Crystal...." A tinkling voice called. I swivelled my head towards the door. My elder sister Camilla looked at me.

 "Cam" I whispered, relieved. I ran towards my elder sister but she held me at arm's length. Her blue eyes looked at me with so much sadness.

"They hurt me crystal. Don't tell anyone, it's a secret." She murmured.

"But Cam..." my steps faltered and horror filled my heart as I glanced at her wrists.

Both of them were slit and blood was dribbling out. My limbs turned leaden. A cold fire consumed me. I looked at her in terror.

"Don't tell anyone, it's a secret."

But this time it was not Cam who spoke, it was a twelve year old who was standing right beside her. My mouth fell open.

Amber gave me a wry smile, but even as she smiled, bruises formed along her arms and face. A thin trail of blood leaked from her left ear sliding towards her chin.

"Don't tell anyone, it's a secret." she whispered.

Gasping, I opened my eyes, sheets clinging to my cold sweaty skin. I hurriedly swiped a glance over the bookshelves, desk and window. It was a different bedroom.

What I saw was a dream.

I tried to calm my heart even though goose bumps trailed on my arms and an involuntary trembling started deep in my bones. Gritting my teeth, I stood up on wobbly knees and marched towards the window.

Brooklyn. I was in Brooklyn now.

The digital clock beside my bed read the timing to be 4:30 in the morning. Groaning, I entered the adjoining bathroom, it was no use trying to fall asleep again. The nightmare had seemed so real that it imprinted itself behind my eyelids. Everytime I blinked, the horrifying image took over. Sighing, I decided it would be better to run to gym for my kick boxing classes.

I skipped down the last four steps and went to get a bottle of water. Brad was sitting on the dinner table with many papers scattered around him in an orderly mess. A cup of long gone cold coffee sat at the brink of his 'workstation'. It was only after I snapped  my fingers under his nose that he noticed me.

"Oh, hello Crystal. Why are you not sleeping?" he asked with a small frown.

I glanced at his bloodshot eyes and stated, "Its 4:45 in the morning." He started at this information and looked down at his watch frowning.

"Right. I got busy with my work." He said, never taking his eyes off the file in front of him.

I sat on the chair across from him and peeked at one of the files out of curiosity. The file was of a famous A list celebrity.

"Wow, you have some very rich clients." I breathed out.

"Yes." He mumbled distractedly.

I know I was being borderline nosy but my next question was too eager so it bubbled out.

"Weren't you and mom living in Manhattan before?" I asked.

His eyes stopped scanning the pages.

"I mean, not that this place is not rich but shouldn't you be living in Manhattan? Closer to your work?" I asked, pressing on. He showed the slightest amount of discomfort.

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