Chapter 35: I am the little mermaid of clam chowder

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Force it into your brain. You're a badass and you deserve to be here.
                                  - Gigi Hadid

The driver stopped in front of the hotel. I took a deep breath and tried to look up at the building. The valet opened the backseat car. I nodded at him absently and stepped out in my Louboutins, only to stumble in them.
"Miss, are you alright?" the valet asked softly while holding me steady by my elbow. I managed a smile at him and willed my embarrassment to bury itself deep in my heart.
I took another deep breath and stepped away from the car. The moment the train of my asymmetrical dress was out of the car, the driver sped off. And with him went my last shred of safety.
I contemplated running away. Courage and bravery be damned. I wanted to stay in my room and watch stupid mindless movies. But I had to do this for brad. I had to meet Mrs Gartlet and have dinner with her. Possibly without strangling her.
Brad had announced the dreaded news that his 'mother' wanted to have dinner with me after mom and I returned from our therapeutic shopping spree. Mom had flipped off saying he was feeding me to the sharks. After watching them quarrelling for five minutes I decided I'd rather be brave and face Mrs Gartlet.
How wrong was I?
I walked slowly and gracefully to the entrance. Two door attendants opened the doors and greeted me. I smiled at them and walked in. The opulence of the place astounded me. I felt small.
No crystal. You belong here. You are wearing a Marchessa Notte dress that probably costs a lot and a Swarovski watch that costs more than your whole hand. It is okay, you are rich and you belong here.
With renewed courage, I marched to the elevator leading to the terrace where Mrs Gartlet and I were having dinner. The elevator doors opened to a tasteful and beautiful venue with glass ceiling. The moon was shining bright and crescent.
A woman on the reception smiled at me, "do you have a reservation, ma'am?"
"Yes. It should be under gartlet." I told her.
"Please follow me. She is waiting for you." The woman said. I froze for a second. She was waiting?! Crap! Now she is going to kill me for making her wait.
I scrambled behind the woman, "how long has she been waiting?"
My fingers were crossed behind my clutch. The woman looked at me, "not long. She just came a minute before you."
"A minute? Are you sure? Because you would have to testify that in the court." I told her.
She stalled and looked at me with a scared expression. I laughed awkwardly and she thought I was making a joke so she managed a chuckle. She continued leading me to Mrs Gartlet.
Mrs Gartlet was sitting on a table close to the floor to ceiling windows. She already had a glass of bubbling champagne being poured to her by a waiter. I approached her and her sharp brown eyes turned to me. She watched every step I took with a calculated look.
The waiter pulled a chair opposite to her. I settled down and thanked him. A moment of silence passed. My throat was feeling parched.
"Why don't you order something?" she asked.
The leather bound blue menu seemed to mock me.
I looked her in the eye and smirked, "surprise me."
Her eyes narrowed infinitesimally and she waved two fingers at the waiter, "she will have the same."
The waiter poured me a glass of champagne and scurried off with elegance. Now it was just Mrs Gartlet and me. Gods save me.
"So you have a penchant for making me look like a fool." Mrs Gartlet started sharply.
I was expecting this.
"I was a minute late, Mrs Gartlet." I told her condescendingly.
Her nostrils flared and her neck turned blush red, "I have been a lawyer for 34 years now. And never in my career have I felt like a fool. Everytime, winget, every single time I have been able to sniff the truth. But you! How dare you lie to me?!"
I stared at her. She was getting too furious for something as trivial as a one-minute delay.
"Mrs Gartlet...what are you talking about?" I asked her softly.
She gulped her champagne down. Her finger clinked on the edge of the glass. The sapphire on her ring twinkled blindingly.
"You have cancer. You are going to have a surgery in two months." She stated.
My heart stilled and started beating slowly, too slowly.
"I..." I stuttered and clamped my lips shut.
"All these years I believed that jade was a gold digger who was swallowing my boy's money and dumping it on her ex-husband. But I was wrong! She was putting that money on your surgery and rehab. And you came here for advanced treatment because you had a recurrence." Mrs Gartlet fumed.
My hands were busy making swans out of the table napkins. I breathed haltingly before looking at her through my lashes. She was looking furious.
"I didn't think it mattered. I don't like talking about it." I explained pathetically.
Mrs Gartlet's eyes blazed and then....her eyes filled with water?
I blinked at her in shock. She took a deep breath and pressed a finger on her trembling lips while looking out at the New York skyline. I kept quiet. What was worse than seeing a woman like Mrs Gartlet cry? Telling her that she was crying.
After a minute or so, she turned to me, "why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't like to tell that... I don't want your pity." I told her firmly.
I straightened my spine and lifted my chin, "yes, I have cancer. But I am still strong."
She stared at me and I stared right back at her. She smirked slowly, "you feel more like my blood, crystal."
It took me a moment to regain my composure after that. Thankfully, the waiter came by then. I looked down at the miasma of colors laid in front of me.
"Wow, Mrs Gartlet. You have good taste." I told her and took a fork to scoop a little bit of food in my mouth.
She stared at me blankly, "thank you. I wasn't aware of it yet."
"Pleased to be the one who brought you in the known." I told her and raised my glass to her before sipping. Mrs Gartlet chuckled at me and mimicked my gesture.
I beamed at her. Once the mask of the tough woman came off, Mrs Gartlet was surprisingly sweet and fun.
We were halfway through the main course when I felt a pull in my gut. My back crawled and I had a sudden urge to twist in my seat and look behind. I suppressed it and paid attention to Mrs Gartlet talking about the old ladies and their senile nature. I wanted to turn back so bad but something in my brain screamed that I would not like it.
I threw my head back and laughed at Mrs Gartlet's joke. She laughed at me behind her napkin. My neck crawled. I could not hold it anymore so I twisted in my seat and looked behind me.
Blue eyes were gazing at me. No way.
I stared back at max in his dapper charcoal black suit. A slow smile spread over his face when he looked at me. I felt my lips tugging up in response. My skin felt warm and tingles ran over my body. Max was gazing at me as if I was the brightest thing in the whole room and all I could see was him.
Someone jerked him and he tilted his head to his side with a frown. I followed his eyes and saw a pair of hazel eyes burning with poison. It took a millisecond for my spirits to come crashing down.
April was standing tall and gorgeous beside max in a tight cleavage bearing red mini dress. Her hands were wrapped around his bicep and she was clinging to him. The woman who led me to Mrs Gartlet was waiting for them near a table. April pulled him to the table. Max looked at me once before being dragged. April shot a venomous glare at me over her shoulder.
Max pulled a chair out for her to sit and then seated himself. I turned away from them quickly. My face was burning hot but my back felt surreally cold as if someone was pouring ice water down it.
I gulped once and met Mrs Gartlet's inquisitive eyes, "isn't that Maxwell wester?"
"Yes." I answered her quickly and gestured for a waiter to fill my glass again before gulping down half the contents. Mrs Gartlet was busy looking at max's table behind me.
"What is he doing with the Hawkins girl? I assumed he liked you." Mrs Gartlet spoke gently before sweeping her soft warm gaze on me.
My tongue darted out to lick my lip but I retracted it so as to not mess up the crimson lipstick. I shook my head at her just like my inner self was shaking her head at me in disappointment.
"No! Pfft." I replied nonchalantly, "he was just bluffing. We are just good friends. That's all."
I lifted my spoon up and shoved food into my mouth. It tasted like clay. My breath was coming out in short bursts. Max was on a date with April. There was no doubt about it.
How could he? How could he almost kiss me one day and the next day pretend it never happened?
How could he spend a whole night with me and tell me sweet words but then forget me?
How could he laugh with me but go on a date with April?
How could he after knowing how April tried her best to hurt me.
"I need to go to the restroom." I abruptly cut Mrs Gartlet off. She was saying something but I barely heard anything. She looked at me with furrowed brows.
"Are you okay crystal? You look sick." She murmured in concern.
"I am okay. Just...restroom." I told her and stood up in a jerky motion.
I clenched my hands into fists and marched away from the table. The restroom was behind me. Crap! I had to pass max's table to get there. I took a shaky breath and started walking slowly and gracefully.
April laughed like a hyena and my eyes swooped to their table. Right on cue max turned to look behind. He turned as if he had done this already. When he saw me coming near his eyes widened in surprise.
I looked at April who was smirking at me. Her hand was on the table. Over max's hand.
My heart sank deeper than the Atlantic City. April and max were both looking at me and I could feel Mrs Gartlet's eyes on me. So I managed to smile at them
I will be damned to hell and back if I showed how much these stupid feelings affected me. So I grinned at them as if I was happy to see my friends here. Together. Planning Their Next Freaking Date.
My smile might have turned a little murderous because max had his brows down in a frown. I looked away from him. April was staring at me in anger.
She bent her leg so that her foot came out of the table to trip me. Did she think I was stupid enough to not see it?
But I was stupid. And she was a learned bitch.
Her feet did not trip me.
It tripped the waiter who was carrying a tray of food. He stumbled and fell on his knees. The food flew and fell on me.
I did not react.
I heard the whole room gasp in astonishment. I took a deep breath and did not react.
It was some sort of sweet smelling curry. I could feel the thick gooey mess on my neck and my half down hair. It was majorly on my chest and my arms. My corset top made sure that the gloop stayed on top of my chest.
I breathed evenly in and out. I heard Mrs Gartlet shouting in anger. Then I felt my skin burn. Not in embarrassment or anger. But in real physical way.
My skin was burning and itching and I felt huge blotches starting to rise on my chest. My eyes snapped open and I felt my breath rush out of me in one great swoosh. My heels stumbled on the mess and I fell down.
More gasps followed. I was finding it difficult to breath. Clams. The curry on me was made of clams.
I had a severe allergy of clams. Gods no....
"Crystal! Are you alright?!" max asked as he approached me.
I took a deep breath through my rapidly clogging nose. My throat was closing up and my eyes were burning. I blinked them open. Everyone was watching me. Max was looking at me worried and Mrs Gartlet was stomping towards me. I managed to grin at max.
I might look ridiculous. But I would not cry.
"See? I told you I was a mermaid. The sea creatures just could not stay away from me! They followed me all the way here! Although they met a horrible end." I told him loudly and cheerfully while scooping a huge amount of curry off my chest with a scrunched up nose.
People sniggered and chuckled. Max grinned at me and took hold of my hands to pull me up. I stood a little shaky but max steadied me. I took a step back from him and managed a grin.
I could not breathe anymore. April was glaring at me. The employees looked scared. My chest was on fire.
"HOW DARE YOU! I WILL SUE YOU!" Mrs Gartlet bellowed at the employees as she took hold of my elbow.
I flinched and turned to look at her. I threw an apologetic smile at everyone before turning my back to him or her. I leaned towards her and whispered, "Take me to the hospital. Please."
Mrs Gartlet's eyes widened and she looked scared. Before she could utter a word, I explained.
"I have severe allergy to clams. Please." I whimpered and then bit my lip to stop the tears.
Mrs Gartlet nodded at me and managed a glare so cold and ferocious that the whole place fell dead silent.
Mrs Gartlet turned and pulled me with her. April placed a hand on my arm. I stopped and turned to look at her smirking.
"I hope you are very fond of clams crystal." she whispered with glee.
My eyes widened and my heart stilled. She knew I had an allergy to clams. But how did she...?
Mrs Gartlet scurried me out of the room and down to her limousine. She screamed at the driver to drive fast to the hospital. I settled on the cool leather and tried to breathe properly.
"Why didn't you tell me you had an allergy to clams!" Mrs Gartlet shrieked.
"I didn't think it was necessary." I whimpered and then tears started streaming down my face.
It was hurting. Everything was hurting. And I was stupid enough to get hurt.
Mrs Gartlet watched me cry and her anger ebbed. She pulled out wet wipes and started wiping off the curry.
I took a wet wipe and shakily tried to do the same.
Max took April out on a date while I was the girl who he barely tolerated. How could I be such a fool? Why would max even like me? April was a gorgeous bitch and I was a pretty weirdo.
Stupid, stupid crystal. I was the useless unwanted obstacle between April and max. They looked perfect together.
Tears continuously streamed down my face and I was happy that I had an excuse for them. My skin burned but more than that, my heart burned. I never wanted to see max or April again. I fell for him like an idiot and now I was feeling heartbroken. I am smarter than this!
We reached the hospital and I was rushed to the ER. The nurse took one look at me and told me to strip and step into the shower immediately. She pulled my zipper down and I discarded my clothes while running to the shower. For a long while, I stayed in the shower until the nurse asked if I wanted her help.
I rinsed myself off with antibacterial soap. When I stepped back into the room, Dr Black was pacing anxiously. He took one look at the hives on my skin and frowned.
I walked to the bed in the centre of the room and sat down, "it's an allergy Dr black. I am fine. I got clam chowder spilled on me."
Dr Black's frown vanished a little, "alright crystal. Did you have any headaches or nausea?"
"No. Just the usual morning headaches. Nothing out of the blue." I told him while the nurse gave me an injection and then proceeded to apply a thick lotion over my body.
He turned to the nurse, "check those antihistamines with Dr Wong before prescribing it to her. She needs confirmation from her oncologist."
The nurse nodded and exited the room after placing a pair of sweatpants and shirt in front of me. I picked the blue clothes and scrunched my nose up.
"It's either that or going back naked." Dr Black said with a small smile.
I sighed heavily, "what will the paparazzi say when they notice their most favourite celebrity walking around in hospital clothes? An insult to new york fashion!"
Dr Black laughed and started inspecting the contents column of the lotion bottle. I slipped into my clothes and waited on the bed. Mrs Gartlet entered the room. She looked at Dr Black and talked about some things. The nurse returned and affirmed that Dr Wong was fine with the prescription. I slipped into my heels and walked out of the room. Mrs Gartlet followed close behind.
We rode the limousine in silence. When we reached home, mom stormed out of the house as if she was waiting for us. I stepped out of the limo and Mrs gartlet followed. Mom took hold of my shoulders and inspected me.
My lower face was swollen and my chest had suffered the most. There was some bruising on my arms.
She turned to Mrs Gartlet and glared at her. My eyebrows rose in surprise. Brad descended the porch steps and placed a comforting arm around=d my shoulder before pulling me inside the home.
"How dare you hurt my daughter like that?! Why can't you just mind you own business! Why do you have to be so evil?!" mom shrieked at her.
I stopped and looked down at mom. She was screaming at Mrs Gartlet. Even Mrs Gartlet looked shocked.
"Mom? It was not her fault. A waiter spilled...." I started but my mom cut me off.
Her eyes were brimming with tears and she screamed, "do you really believe that?! This woman hates me and she is mean enough to do that to my daughter!"
"Mom!" I hissed at her. Mrs Gartlet had her features schooled into calm disgust.
" was not an accident, true. But it was not Mrs gartlet." I explained.
Three sets of eyes swivelled at me. I sighed warily, "Can we please go inside?"
They nodded and climbed up the stairs. I rushed to my bathroom and tried to stall the conversation by taking a long warm shower and then putting copious amount of lotion all over me. I slipped into my most soft nightshirt and shorts and slowly descended downstairs.
Sounds of civil conversation floated towards me and my prescription rested on the kitchen table. I gulped them down along with my new medicines and trudged to the living room. Mrs Gartlet was about to leave when I entered.
"It was the Hawkins girl who was responsible, right?" she asked me.
I raised my brows impressively, "yeah"
She nodded and then stepped towards me to engulf me in a warm hug. Her heels had brought her to my height.
She stepped back and I smiled warmly at her, "goodnight, Mrs Gartlet."
She stroked my hair and murmured, "Please call me grandma. It sounds old but I won't mind."
A slow grin stretched over my face, "sweet dreams grandma."
She nodded at me and smiled genuinely, "take care."
I followed her out of the house and bid her farewell. When I turned back, brad and mom were looking at me in surprise.
"And that is the magic of crystal. Everyone falls in love with her." mom announced. Brad shook his head and started laughing. I smiled ruefully, if only.
I made my way up the stairs and slid into my bed. My mobile was pinging with messages but I closed my eyes shut and tried to sleep.
Max and April together flashed in my eyes. Tears rolled down my face and I smashed my face onto my pillow.
I was not going to fall for max. Enough is enough.
If I am just another girl to him then he is just another boy to me.
I had bigger problems to focus on.
Besides a girl on the verge of dying is not supposed to fall in love.

So. That's the next chapter. i hope you liked it...
Anyways vote for the story and please COMMENT!
P.S.: do you really think crystal should tell max that she is dying? i mean how do you think he is going to take the news?

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