Broken Glass

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Draco threw himself against his mother's arms, the woman desperately trying to hold him back from running into that room and getting himself killed.

She didn't know what was going on, all they could hear was glass shattering and Harry screaming and sobbing. Tears were flooding down Draco's face, mostly of anger and frustration as he clawed at his mother's arms. "Let me go!" He yelled, voice strained and breaking as he used all of his strength to pull himself away from his mother. Narcissa was strong, but eventually couldn't hold her hysterical son back.

Draco nearly fell over when he got away, but quickly threw the doors open. He stopped dead in his tracks, hardly able to comprehend the scene in front of him.

Glass covered the room, all of the windows had been shattered and the glass had flown in all directions. The room was empty, none of the Death Eaters had stuck around; not even Lucius. The glass wasn't what bothered Draco, what bothered him was the blood.

The dining table was covered in it, the naked, broken corpse of a woman lying on top of it, surrounded by a pool of dark red blood. It had leaked from torn stumps where her arms and legs were supposed to be, as well as from her head, which had been impaled with a large shard of glass. She was still; obviously dead.

Draco trembled, and promptly felt bile rising in his throat. How many times had this happened on that table, which he'd eaten off his entire life? He suddenly felt very dizzy and his stomach lurched, causing him to throw up.

He steadied himself against the door, unable to look at the dismembered woman, and instead searching around the room for Harry. Through bleary vision he caught sight of a figure in the corner.

Harry was shaking like a leaf caught in the autumn breeze, his legs pulled up against his chest, head buried between them. He looked to tiny and fragile.

Draco didn't hesitate to dash forward, anxious to get to Harry as quickly as possible, but soon realised his mistake. Crunch. Jagged pain shot through his foot as he landed on the broken shards of glass that had been flung around the room, Draco looking down to see blood already starting to stream from his bare feet, staining the dark wooden floor. He hissed in pain through his teeth, the noise making Harry look up.

Suddenly, Draco knew why everyone was terrified of him. Despite his tiny size he looked absolutely monstrous.

The specially tailored shirt Narcissa had made for him was shredded and covered in blood, and none of it appeared to be his own blood. His hair was wild and sticking on end, like the way a cat's would when it was trying to appear bigger than it actually was. His emerald green eyes were wide and eerily blank, his pupils not even visible, having shrunk to the size of pinpricks.

Draco took another step forward, wincing as he walked on the broken glass. "Harry?" He asked, gritting his teeth through the pain.

"Go away!" Harry yelled, his voice loud, tone angry. Draco recoiled as he felt like he'd been punched in the stomach, the wind knocked out of him. He stumbled backwards, feet sinking further into the broken shards of glass, most of which were now tinted red, his feet both a bloody crimson mess. He choked, unable to force air into his clearly winded lungs, feelings like he was suffocating under the weight of his own chest.

Harry stared at him with emotionless, dead eyes, not reacting in any way at all to Draco's obvious pain.

"Harry, I'm sorry," Draco gasped out, legs shaking like leaves as he tried to remain upright. "I didn't know this was going to happen, I swear."

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