Buissnise Plan

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(Jimin pov)

All day I've been running around completing tasks and things that need to be done before we go to another company for a meeting. Right now I'm currently in Mr.Jeon's office taking a few notes for him. "How much time do we have left?" he suddenly asks.

We still have 30 minutes. I tell him looking at my watch. I started to type some stuff on my work computer when I heard Mr. Jeon release a sigh. I couldn't help but look up at him. His head was laying back against his chair and his eyes were shut. My eyes started to wander from his face down to his creamy pale neck and then back up to his handsome face again. The room was so quiet you could hear a pen drop. I finally decided to break the silence. Is everything okay? I ask him. He opened his eyes back up and look at me. His brown eyes were so beautiful and they showed so much love and strength.

"This is how it is," he said not taking his eyes off me.

What do you mean? I ask him. I kept my eyes on him as well. Craving to know what he was talking about.

"It's either a business meeting or a business trip. I know that I was going to have a lot of work and a lot of responsibility when I chose to open up a business but I was still hoping I could have some fun. I go to all these different and exciting places but I have never once got to see them outside of work. I've never got to explore them."  He said. He took a deep breath and finally took his eyes off of me and look up at the ceiling. "Maybe I'm being too needy and self-" before he could finish his sentence I cut him off.

You're not being needy or selfish. Your still young and you have a right to want to have fun instead of being coop up in an office all the time. If you want...I'll clear a part of your schedule so you can just relax and have fun? I told him. He looks down at me and gives me a warm smile.

"If you could do that, that would great." He said smiling. I nob my head and smiled back at him."Thank you." I lock my eyes with his."You really are the best Park Jimin." he said. A light layer of pink came over my face. I was a little bit surprised at what he said. I simply smiled and look down at my watch.

It's time to go. I said looking back up at him. He took a deep breath and got up from his seat.

"Shall we?" he said walking towards the door as I followed behind him.

(Time skip)

We finally reach the other business and Mr. Jeon introduces me to some of the other people at the business. We all sat down and started to come up with business plans. The two companies wanted to do a partnership together and needed to come up with a plan. That's why we're going to Japan to find sponsors and to talk to the branch manager in Japan about this partnership. Someone poured Mr.Jeon some coffee but he didn't drink it. I could see he really wanted to have some coffee but he doesn't like it without coffee creamer so I took out his favorite coffee creamer from my pocket. I kept the coffee creamer he like in my pocket that way if he needed some and they didn't have any, I would. I tap Mr.Jeon on his leg and he turned and face me. I gave him the coffee creamer and his face lit up. He poured it into his coffee and took a sip of it and we continue with the meeting.

(Time skip) 

The meeting is finally finished and me and Mr.Jeon are now in a limo driving back to the company. "Thank you." I look up at Mr.Jeon.

For what? I ask.

"For the coffee creamer. How'ed you know I wanted to drink it?"

I could see it on your face. I told him.

"Am I that easy to read?" he said slightly laughing.

A little. I said. Oh, how long are we going to be gone from the company?

"3 weeks, why?"

Just wondering how long I should pack for.

" Have you ever been to Japan?"

Only once. I said. My mom took me there to see the cherry blossom. My mom was a photographer and loved to see the world. It was a really long time ago I think I was about 6 or 7 when she took me there. How many times have you gone to Japan?

"Probably about 4 or 5 times but every time I've been there it's always for business."

Well, not this time. I made time for you that way you could have fun and see Japan. You have 3 days where you can have fun and just relax.

"WOW, 3 DAYS! How- what- wait!" I laugh at how shock and surprised he was. " How in the world did you get me to have 3 days off?! That seems like a long time. How?!"

I called the managers and people you were supposed to meet up with for each day and told them that you needed some time to chill and get settled in and they all understand and canceled so that you get settled in. He couldn't believe what I was telling him. His brown eyes were shining in disbelief.

"Thank you so much Jimin. You really are the best. I'm so glad to have you working for me." he said happily. I started to blush at the sudden praise.

I-It was nothing. I said.

(Time skip)

I left work and went home. I wonder what I should pack. I pack suits, night clothes and everything you would need for a three-week trip. I can't believe I'm already going on a business trip. Hopefully, this will be fun.

(Jungkook pov)

I started to pack my bags while thinking about Jimin. He got me 3 days off. Normally that would be difficult but not for him. I'm so happy to have him working for me and when I praised him he started to blush. He's so cute. I can only imagine what he would look like in b-WHAT THE HELL JUNGKOOK! WHY ARE THING ABOUT HIM AND WHY IN 'THAT' WAY?! HE"S YOUR EMPLOYEE! He's your cute little employee.

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