Chapter 3: The new AU

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I look at the doodle sphere, trying to come up with a new AU, but suddenly, an AU popped out of no where. 'That's usually no good...' I think to myself, as I open up the AU to see of what is contains.

It was a pretty harmless AU, an AU with a few new characters, a 13 year old named Sakura, an anthropomorphic cat named Mittens, an anthropomorphic fox named Cream, an anthropomorphic pink temmie thing named Umbree, a werewolf bird hybrid named Raven, an a wolf angel thing named Carlese, damn that's a LOT of characters. I decide to look into each of them, to see if they're a threat to the multiverse in any way.

{[Character_Sakura.PNG selected][Sakura.PNG opened]}

Sakura Aki

[[Personality: Depressed, creative, a bit numb, very low self esteem suicidal]}{[Phobia(s):Allodoxaphobia and Monophobia]}

[Crush: Incapable]} {[Mainly harmless to others, just harmful to herself, but if taken to a point beyond her limits, she will become a yangire, other then that, not a threat to others- only herself]}

{[Near death exeperinces: suicide attempts (x5), pushed off a mountain, and almost drowned (x2)]}

I closed Sakrua's files, feeling pretty bad for the person, she couldn't even feel love, it was butchered out of her, I shook it off and went on to the next two files, Mittens and Cream.

They were both pretty care free and fun loving people! Yet they had their differences, Cream was almost burned alive and Mittens was abused, AKA why she wears fur over her right eye. Mittens liked to stalk people she shipped, her favorite was Soriel, Sans and Toriel, I believe. Cream loves to bake, garden, and sing, the main thing Cream was intrested in was literature, but besides that, they both had no crushes.

Now it's Umbree's file... and oh jesus, I didn't expect someone that looked that cute to be such a huge threat...

{[Character_Umbree.EXE selected][Umbree.EXE opened]}

Umbree the Demonic Temmie

{[Personality:Cannibalistic, sassy, unstable, cold, insane, and a bit vengeful]} {[Phobia(s):Athazagoraphobia and Monophobia]}

{[Crush:Asriel/Flowey, yet knows he will never love her back]}

{[Extremely powerful, knows of resetting, but it never resets her own process unless she so chooses, mainly because she is a demon, whom is from a different dimension, this same law also applies to Carlese. Umbree will probably eat you alive, she needs to in order to survive, if she hasn't eaten in a week she will be erratic and desperate. Very harmful to others, and to herself]}

{[More Info:Umbree has warmed up to Mittens and Cream, after them saving her from an endless cycle of murder, pain, and hunger, and her best friend, Raven, the bird werewolf hybrid whom was the only person who understood Umbree and her ways. Umbree and Carlese are opposites who despise one another, because of Carlese killing Umbree's family for once befriending the demon.]}

I close Umbree's file in shock, I knew something was up. Umbree and possibility Raven and Carlese could be threats to the multiverse all together, but I took Umbree's file for granted, she had three close friends who got close to her when she was seen as a demon, saving her from loneliness. So I guess Umbree's pretty stable

I then opened Raven's file, she was apparently very athletic, strong, and did witchcraft, she was alone in the underground, until she saw Umbree, and helped Umbree though all their problems, in turn helping herself.

Then Carlese's file, Carlese is a husky angel, who was corrupted and ended up killing half of the angel population. She was banished from heaven for being to sinful, but was to holy for hell, so she became an angel of darkness and planed to get revenge on Umbree, the one who made her this way because they were at one point friends. Carlese also takes advantage of people, hence why she hasn't changed. She was harmful to the multiverse, but seemed easy to pretty much take down.

The main two I was worried about were Carlese and Umbree, mainly Umbree due to her demonic ways, but the AU seemed to harmless to pay to much attention too, so I left it be, that wouldn't be a stupid choice, right?


I wouldn't be surprised if I caught Ink off guard, I mean, they just broke up with Dream, I felt a bit better now that this has happened, I just need some time to think and restore the balance of the multiverse.

I went and destroyed PokeSwap, I plan to go destroy FlowerFresh and ButtonFellSwap after, just to put some kind of balance, nobody will miss those AUs anyway, well maybe Ink and the people IN the AUs but nobody else really knows of those AUs, so what would the point be anyway?

I destroyed PokeSwap with ease, their Pokemon were weak agents my strings, now I stand in an empty abyss where nothing exists here anymore. I heard teleportation behind me, Ink probably.

I wasn't trying to get Ink's attention so quickly, I hoped I'd catch them off guard, and they wouldn't notice until the third AU was destroyed, but no. I hide myself in the fog, as Ink looked around, they obviously not expecting the AU to be destroyed so quickly.

"No... not again..." I hear them cry out, tears filling their eyes as anger looked as if it was swelling up inside of them. "YOU FUCKING MONSTER!" Ink shouts, choking on his own tears. "SHOW YOURSELF!" Ink screamed again, I couldn't help but see the pain inside him, he broke up with a person he thought he loved, then had to see an AU being destroyed after I went missing for a month or two, Ink obviously was filling up with hate.

I didn't wanna watch him suffer anymore, so I left and destroyed FlowerFresh, repeat what happened, he showed up to late, screamed and cried. "Error, I know you're there just come out..." Ink choked out, I left before things got to out of hand with his emotions.

I began to destroy ButtonSwapFell, but Ink showed up in time, I swung blows at him, he fought back, I could tell he was tempted to call the Star Sanses, but knowing what went down,  wouldn't want to talk to them ether. 

I mainly did this to see Ink's face again, I forgot how beautiful his face is, I held back on fighting for a while, soon teleporting to the anti-void, Ink unfortunately fell in the portal with me, he let off his anger back in ButtonSwapFell, saving it. Ink was about to attack me, before noticing the area he was in. I could tell he was a little shaken, soon he was having a panic attack, he got in the fetal position, shaking, breathing heavily.

I teleported him out of there, then fell back, soon I felt something was about to go wrong in the multiverse, like somebody was going to rip it apart or something

I shook it off, thinking it's just me being paranoid, besides...

I could just destroy it anyways.


END OF CHAPTER 3 :D                                                                                                                                                      sorry that it kinda sucked, I'm on a laptop, and well i can't go back and change a little mistake, because it starts to replace the letter i chose with the key i type, and it's annoying. Anyway, I know the story's going pretty fast, but I have an idea for the story, I know what the climax is, I knew how to begin the story, I want to wait a while before I truly introduced the characters but then i went "Eh, what the hell" and yeah, not giving any spoilers, but I think I did a pretty good introduction, but a lil warning, the rising action will be LOOOOONG! Anyway, have a nice day

-Slightly annoyed but still obsessed ErrorInk author fan thing

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