Chapter 20:Revenge, Death, and Mourning [FINAL]

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I watch as they all fall.

I watch as Carlese leaves.

I turn to my right, and see Raven, standing there, crying, and I see Marie, looking down... looking like she's thinking.

I jump over the bush and run to Error,

"ERROR! ERROR... Please... answer me..." I yell, getting on my knees and holding his head in my lap, holding his hand over his wound.

"Ink... please... it's to late... go save the multiverse for me... please..." Error weakly says, looking up at me with dull eyes, tears fall from my face. "B-but Error... I need you... the multiverse... needs you..." I say, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Error lays his other hand on my cheek, wiping away some of the tears, I lean into his touch, squeezing his other hand lightly as I watch him slowly dust.

"You'll be alright... everything will be alright..." Error began to say, before leaning in and kissing me, I kiss back, it was the best thing I've ever felt in a while we pulled way from eachother, I was an emotional mess, Error was already half dusted.

"I love you..." Error quietly murmured, closing his eyes and dusting fully in my arms. "Error... no no no no! Error! Please No! no no no..." I kept saying to myself, crying in his jacket. Frisk went over to Chara's corpse, and Raven went to Umbree's.

I felt as if the entire world around me shattered.

I sucked up the tears, taking off the normal sans jacket and tying Error's jacket around my waist. I grabbed my paint brush, tears still running down my face. Marie looked at me, with sorrow.

I cracked my knuckles. "Ladies, we got an angel to kill." I state bluntly, knowing I was the only male now.

Frisk grabbed Chara's knife, Raven pulled out a machine gun, and Marie pulled out a normal gun, and some holy water.

"Lets go kill that son of a bitch" Raven spits out, we all nod and begin to follow Carlese.

~*Tom skip brought to you by my dad, because his name is Tom*~

We had reached Carlese, Carlese just cackled.

"You want revenge so badly? Why don't you-" Carlese didn't get to say anything else, after I charged after her, swiping red paint her way over her eyes.

Carlese screeched, then Raven began to shoot Carlese with a machine gun as Marie began to sip her bullets with holy water and shooting them at Carlese.

Carlese, bloody, burned, and blind, fell on her knees.

Frisk went up, and stabbed Carlese, over and over, blood splattered everywhere.

Carlese screamed, falling to the ground, blood spilling out of her, and slowly turning to dust.

I was breathing heavy, despite my lack of lungs. I turned to my side to see Frisk throw her knife at a tree, and Raven sit down and cry. Thats it. The multiverse is just going to fall apart, nothing more we could do...

"Ink..." Marie began, sitting on a rock.

"I think I can reverse this all, bring Error and Chara back to life, and repairing this broken multiverse..."

I sat up. "How?!" I asked, desperate.

"I can use all the energy in my body, and all the energy of my OCs bodies, even the dead ones, to reverse all damage, to bring back Error, to bring back Chara... But... then I'd never see you in person again... I'll just be another voice in yours and Error's head..." Marie stated, in a monotone voice.

"You and Error will remember everything... but... nobody else will. Me, and my OCs will be in another reality and another multiverse..." Marie finished.

"You... you can do that?!" I ask, Marie nods blankly.

"It takes a while... but I can..."

I got up and hugged Marie. I could tell Marie wanted to push me back, but instead awkwardly hugged back. Then I went and hugged Raven, her not moving much.

I teleport to the main base.

"Ink! Are you okay?! W-where's Umbree?" Asked Mittens, worried. "Umbree... Umbree's dead..." I stated, fighting back tears. "Oh no..." Mittens mumbled, backing away, on the verge of tears. I hugged Mittens, and she hugged back, crying.

"Ink!" Cream, Vixen, and Vulpine shout, running towards me. "Before you ask... Umbree's dead..." I interrupt before they say anything. The three join in the hug. "I'm going to miss you guys..." I mumble to myself.

A few minutes pass and we all let go of each other. Dream, Cross, Blue, Fell, Nightmare, and Geno walk in, and spot me. "INK!"

They all hug me, I hug back, I feel two tears escape down my cheeks. "Where's Error?" Geno asks, with a worried expression.

"Error..." I begin... "Error's dead..." I mumble loud enough for them to hear. "No... no no no!" Geno panics. "I took care of Carlese, Chara and Umbree died as well..."

"The multiverse is going to fall apart! and apocalypses is going to start, what are we going to do..." Dream asked, worried. "Marie has a plan... but it will erase Mittens, Cream, Umbree, Vixen, Vulpine, Carlese, Raven, and herself from this world." I explained.

"What does that mean...?" Blue asked. "You.... wouldn't quite understand..." I stated.

"Well, I'm going to get back to Marie... so she can fix this mess..." I say, teleporting back.

"Are you ready?" Marie asked me. "Yes,turn this Multiverse back to the way it was."

"Alright..." Marie said, taking a deep breath, and Raven began to fade, along with Marie herself.

"Oof to reality I go, or another multiverse... is there an Ink and Error that protects the grouping of multiverses? Eh I don't know" Marie began to ramble, and soon, she and Raven- possibly everyone else who wasn't supposed to be here- faded.

I stood there, my scarf blowing in the soft wind, did it actually work?

I stood there, but suddenly, I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I turned around, and it was him

"ERROR!" I yelled, tackling him in a hug. "Woah, woah, short stack, take it easy, it's only been a few hours-" "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" I interrupted, crying into his shoulder.

I looked up, into his eyes, as he looked into mine. We both leaned in close to each other, and closed the gap between us. Everything around us felt so... still.

We separated after a minute, to catch some short breaths. "I love you..." I murmured to him.

"I love you too..." he murmured back, as we leaned in and kissed once again.

"AWWWW!" A voice said from behind, I glanced and saw Frisk and Chara, I just rolled my eye lights.

"So are we dating now?" I asked nervously. "Of course we are..." Error replied, caressing my cheek. "We can keep it a secret, so nobody gets suspicious when you destroy or I create." I suggest, Error nods, "At least until they understand."

I get up hesitantly, and help Error up. "C'mon, I can paint us a house to live in, so we can live together, in a secret area, only we can access."

"Okay, Inky."

I blush at the nickname "Lets go, Glitchy" I say back, I see him blush back.

This can be the start of a new, and better life.



I planned for it to end at chapter 30, but I ran out of ideas before the Carlese battle so...


20 chapters is good enough

Oh! And this isn't the end of the book, I'm also writing an aftermath chapter, that will come out later today or tomorrow.

I hope this is a good enough ending!

Thank you for reading :3


A Glitchy Masterpiece (An ErrorInk story, bc I'm trash ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ)Where stories live. Discover now