Making Him Smile (Logicality)

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No one knew exactly how to make Logan laugh. To be frank, no one actually bothered to make him laugh (well, Patton does). There would be small smirks here and there but usually, there were no true genuine smiles.

Patton wanted to change that, but what he didn't know was the simplest and tiniest actions that he do everyday for Logan make the logical trait smile. For example, when Logan was busy and he knew that he couldn't make a small sandwich stuffed with his favorite jam, Patton made it for him.

Logan locked himself in his room for the rest of the time, only coming out if needed or it was to ask Roman or Virgil something (which was very very rare). Logan felt himself break into a smile as he looked at the sandwich Patton had made for him. It was illogical for him to be so happy about one small thing but his emotions were always going haywire when he was around Patton.

At first, he thought it had something to do with the fact that Patton was Thomas' morality: his sense of right and wrong and his core of a lot of Thomas' emotions. But the more he studied on it, it didn't seem to make sense since Virgil and Roman acted the same way to Patton as before.

When he decided to ask the two, they merely shook their head. Virgil snickered and muttered, "And I thought you were the smart and logical one. You can figure this out, Logan."

Virgil left them to his room, probably went to listen to some P!ATD songs. Roman placed his hand on Logan's shoulder and sighed, "Even I know what's going on here, you are the smartest one of us all, Logan. I'll give you a hint, it has something to do with your own emotions, nothing to do with ours. Good luck with him, okay?"

Roman left immediately as he said that, leaving Logan perplexed. Good luck on what? He thought. Shaking his head, he walked back to his room, the solution seemingly more vague than before.

That seemed so long ago, but in reality, it had been two days since Logan finally found out what Roman had meant.

Logan went out of his room, hoping for a small cup of coffee, He didn't exactly 'pull an all-nighter', maybe slept for two hours then headed back to work, shaking the drowsiness off immediately.

Entering the kitchen, he saw Patton giggling as he brewed Logan's coffee. It warmed Logan's heart and made his mouth twitch to a smirk. Patton turned around and smiled, "Morning, Logan!"

Logan yawned and greeted Patton back. "Salutations, Patton. I assume that you have my coffee ready?"

Patton nodded. "Well, it's still brewing, like always."

Patton served out the breakfast and sat down across Logan, who muttered "thanks" and ate quickly. Normally, the other two would appear at this time but they both decided to have a Disney marathon together.

Smiling, Patton stood up and prepared Logan's coffee, humming to himself a small tune. Logan felt a familiar tug on his lips as he oh-so-valiantly refrained himself from smiling. It was a difficult task, considering that his was Patton and that he was tired as well.

"Hey, Logan. You know how Moses likes his coffee?"

Logan should've seen that old pun coming and said, "How?"

"He-brews it!"

It was probably out of exhaustion that he may or may not have laughed. Very loudly.

God, it was the most embarrassing thing for Logan to do at this moment. Logan composed himself, looking at Patton who just giggled. "You laughed at that joke!"

"Probably out of exhaustion..."

"Sure, kiddo. Well, I killed two birds with one stone today! I got you to laugh and I can see you smiling right now!" Patton smiled, kissing Logan on the cheek.

Logan felt his face heat up and his heart literally racing. Patton caught up and smiled, "Guess I killed three birds with one stone. I like you too, Logan."

".... And I you, Patton."

Who knew that a simple joke could bring these two lovable dorks together?

Written by: Addison
Proofread by: Max
Notes: Hello, this is Addison here or you may know me as FaultyLogic! If you like my works, go to my profile and read some of my oneshots. This is officially the first time I have written on this account. That is all, thank you!

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