Chapter 12

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After she went back to sleep I stared at her wondering what could have happened to her to make her this upset and her voice, I'm finally able to hear her voice even if it wasn't under the best circumstances I still heard it. Her voice sounded raw and unused like she hadn't spoken in years let alone scream.
She screamed as if she was in great pain, as if the world was being torn apart and she also screamed a name. Someones name. She belonged somewhere and I took her. I wonder if she wants to go back. Am I the cause of her recurring nightmares? Is it my fault she can't sleep for more then four hours before jolting awake from a nightmare? Is it my fault she won't speak a single sentence to me?  Should I let her go? 
She mumbled in her sleep as if she was talking and her eyebrows scrunched together as if she was thinking, she looked undeniably adorable not to mention stunning. I closed my eyes the last thing I saw was her beautiful eyelids hiding her fascinating eyes.
---------------next morning------------------
I woke up to a dip in the bed I turned my head to see a sight that would leave anyone in awe. There she sat in all her glory, Jane with towel in her hands as she dried her soaking hair and raked her fingers through it. She turned her head and looked straight in my eyes but instead of seeing the little emotion she began to show the past few days I saw those haunting empty eyes, the eyes that looked like they were ready to give up on life any second, the eyes that showed no emotion. I found myself craving the little emotions she showed just yesterday. Her empty eyes were beginning to scare me. She looked as if she'd given up. Like nothing in the world possibly mattered.  Like she simply didn't care about anything or anyone.
" Jane" I called softly, this seemed to get her attention as her eyes widened to show she had come back from her daydreaming. She simply nodded her head and turned to return to the bathroom and I assume brush her hair. I got up stretched and fixed up the bed before heading to the bathroom only to be met by a teary eyed Jane holding a pair of scissors.

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