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i felt myself being pulled out of the water

i gasped for air, coughing up water and clinging onto the arms of the person who pulled me away from my saving

i looked up and saw your eyes, wide in fear, your face pale and tears falling down your cheeks

'what the hell are you doing?' you sobbed and grabbed onto me tightly as i just fell limp in your arms

i didn't want to cry, i didn't want to feel

i wanted to die

i wanted it so badly

and i wanted to scream at you for saving me

i wanted to scream at you for ever loving me, for ever speaking to me, i wanted to scream and kick and shout at the top of my lungs for you to get away from me

i wanted you away from me

because all i did was break you even more

but i couldnt get you away

because before i could

everything went black

cause little you knew, i knew you'd be there to save me

so i emptied my pill container before i got in the tub

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