
4.2K 37 2

i am actually speechless rn.. you guys got this book to 100,000 reads which is honestly INSANE to me. i remember being at the movies when we got to 100 reads and being over the fucking moon but never in a million years did i think it would reach 100k. i'm currently in the process of re-writing this series and 5 other books which i may publish one day when i sort them out but who knows atm.

anyway, THANK YOU! thank you for giving me the opportunity to write 2 books that i'm very proud of, and i hope you enjoyed them. writing for y'all was an honour and i love every single one of you for at least giving my books a try. i hope everyone is okay and my DMs will always be open if u have any questions, suggestions or u just need a chat.

- issy 💘

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