Still young

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Kurt & I were currently sitting in on a park bench. The day was dark w/the sun hiding behind the heavy clouds. Kurt & i brought our notebooks & pens. We loved to write in pens.

'i would never trade y/n for anything in this world nor music can compare the happiness y/n brings me.' kurt wrote in his notebook, showing me.

"I can teach you all the beautiful things i learned from you" kurt said ,"people can try to take me away from you but i'll be sure i can hold you. I will fight for us y/n" He smiled at you.

I smiled back at him. I turned my attention to my notebook writing,

A soul like yours doesn't deserve pain.

I kept my eyes on my handwriting, Kurt was leaning closer. To read my page. I saw him grinning from the corner of my eyes. I smiled to myself. Resting my head on his shoulder. I looked at his hand scribbling on his notebook. 'I want to hold your face. Feel my fingers crawl behind your ears. And my lips dancing with yours. Until we are old.' I smiled at him, pecking his cheek.

"If there was anyway of buying happiness I want to buy it with you." I said as rested my elbows on the table bench. I grabbed the pen next to my notebook. I wrote quickly on my notebook.

'I want to be in bed w/you under the thin sheets of the bed.'

Kurt laughed slightly. He grabbed your right hand w/his left. He wrote in his notebook under the words he wrote before.(Kurt wrote w/his right hand & played guitar w/his left.)

'I would do anything in this world to make us happy. ' He'll always find a way to melt my heart. I smiled at the written words. I gently let go of Kurt's hand. I flipped a clean new page in my notebook. Smelling the fresh notebook paper. I wrote 3 sentences.

'My heart melts every fucking time i look at your perfect blue eyes. I could stare at them & never get bored. Your eyes are so majestic. '

"Aww thanks baby. I personally don't think much about my eyes. I guess they do have a majestic blue color to them." Kurt shrugged, as he smirked. I laughed at his cuteness.

"You're cute and know that right?" I raised my eyebroes at him. He nodded as he smiled,"Good." I raised my thumb at him.

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