Only the Beginning

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June 15, 1987

Sarah's POV

Nirvana released their first album 'Bleach' something all teenagers would drink. Anyways, Kurt told me he was inspired by the beatles to start this band. He created alternative punk rock music. W/the name nirvana Kurt said that it meant freedom of pain & worry, an extrenal world. Like punk rock, it was free you can make whatever you want. Kurt liked that.  Music has helped Kurt for the most part. Now he has to make up. 

You called on the phone the man speaking said I was invited to a party to celebrate the band's album release, he told me Krist would pick me up.  You were excited to go, the party started at 7:00 pm. You had showered before 5:00 pm you started to get ready. I was walking around in a orange tank top and black shorts. I took an Iron curler from my mom. I used it, which resulted my slightly curly long light brown hair to look straight & longer.  I did my make up which was dark red lipstick & black glittery eyeshadow. I never used. I did a nice job at my make-up for my first time. I laughed at the mirror. I looked like i was attacked by emo make up artists. I ran to my closet. Searching quickly through my clothes. Long Bright Pink long sleeved dress, plain black v neck dress or tight strapless light purple dress . I chose the tight strapless light purple one, which had a black ribbon around the waist of the dress. I took off my tank top. And slipped on the dress carefully. I ran over to my drawer. Searching for my favorite perfume.

Kurt's POV

My band & I spent the morning in record company's studio. We had some cigarettes & coffee on some couches. They told us they're throwing a party for us. To celebrate our album release. I was proud of my band. I really didnt have any idea what the fuck i was going to get fucking dressed. Don't worry...Kurt, Krist would help you or You'll ask him. I got my mind off my thoughts. Focusing on what my now, manager was saying.

"You guys should get dates" he raised his eyebrow.

"I'll get Shelley!" Krist raised his index finger,yelling.

"I don't have to worry because I'll have Kurt." Chad smirked at me. I flipped him off. As the rest of the guys laughed around us.

"I'm always with you anyways but i have a person on mind." I crossed my arms as i crossed my legs. There was silence. Krist & Chad wiggled their eyebrows at me.

"Please ask Sarah!" They both pleaded. I whined, i looked at my manager.

" Can you give my friend a phone call tell her, she's invited to this party." i rolled my eyes as my voice said party. He stood up.

"Dail her number in for me. Would you?" he asked, as he was walking towards a phone on the wall. I walked over to him.

I looked up at him whispering to him," Don't tell her I invited her. "

He nodded. I punched my fingers against the blocky keys.  I felt my heart racing faster as i dialed the next numbers. It's not like you're calling her, chill man. I walked off. As i heard him tolding to her. Feeling a bit of saddnes not calling her. Ignored it either way I'll spent my night w/her.

7:09 PM

Afterall Krist helped me w/dressing up, he'd drop me off at the party. And later pick Sarah up.  Shelley was in the car outside Krist's house. I had some ripped jeans & a plain black shirt. I always had layers of clothing on me to not look thin. But this time i didn't.  I felt slightly uncomfortable. Krist did my hair he placed gel on my hair, he made my long blonde hair slicked back. I had to admit i felt proud of my hair. I felt attractive for the first time in my life! I then followed Krist to his mini van. The night was full of light from the moon. I sat in the back. I asked Shelley for some eye liner. She passed me a small black sharpened pencil. She also held the mirror for me. As I placed the tip of the pencil on my bottom eyeslashes. I traced my bottom eyelid. I did the same w/the other eye. I smiled at my reflection. I gave her back her pencil. Krist dropped me off quickly. I walked to a near by neighborhood. I had taken Krist's hair scirrors. I ran over to a rose bush. I pulled out the scirrors. I cut a a perfect length of the rose. I ran away w/it, i slipped the scirrors in the same pocket. I got back to the

same door of the building i had recently spent most of me time in. I had a rose in one hand. I pushed the door open. I hid the rose behind me. Knowing that Krist was in there w/Sarah & Shelley & others. Probadly was the last one to come. I got nevrous a bit. I looked at the studio. The lights were off. I knitted my eyebrows together.  Suddenly the lights turned back on.

"Congratulations Kurt!" a group of people yelled inside. I flinched. I closed the door,behind me w/my foot. I smiled widely at all of them. People were on the couch. On other single chairs.

"Thanks..." i said. They all laughed. I felt super awkward, as i walked over to the couch where my main friends were. Many people noticing my rose hid behind me. Then people just had conversations. I looked at Sarah, she wearing a strapless light purple dress. It was one of those tight dresses. Her curves were perfect. It had a cute black ribbon wrapped above her waist. The dress fell above her knees. She looked very damn sexy. I couldn't help but feel horny for her. She stood up. Pulling her dress down a bit. She hugged me. I wrapped both of my arms around her. Shelley noticing the rose. She gasped.

"Aww...kurt you're so sweet." she said.

Sarah pulled away. She smiled at me. As i showed her the rose. She carefully took it. I smiled as she took it. I leaned my head close to her shoulder

I whisper to her, " by the way you look every sexy tonight."

She turned her head to look  me. She was blushing.

"Same for you, cobain." She said.

She kissed my lips. I kissed back automatically, it was a sweet kiss. It lasted very short. I made her sit on my knees. I didn't want her to sit on my lap. It just wasnt the right moment to do actions like that. We made each other laugh & smile. The party soon came to an end like everything else in life. While driving Sarah back home, We kissed in the back of Krist's car. I asked Sarah to be my girlfriend.

She joked," Why not, it's not like that i always dream of us." I smirked.

"I'll make all your dreams come true." I said seductively.  Biting down on my bottom lip.

Krist cleared his throat.

"Horny teenagers go to get a room!" Shelley screamed as she laughed nervously. I rolled my eyes. Waving good bye to Sarah. As she closed the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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