Chapter 6|Rising Sun♡

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Renesmee's POV.

"I had a bad dream." I said. We were still in my bed. Jacob had his arms around me, and I was on his chest. I just woke up from a bad dream. "Tell me." He said afraid. "You said you loved Megan more than me." I told him. "I will never leave you." He told me. "And you broke up with me." I told him. "Megan's dead and I love you- only you." He told me. "I know you do." I said. I fall asleep again.

I woke up. Jacob was still by my side. I was still in his arms and on his chest. "What time is it?" I asked. "It's 10:00 AM." He told me. I got up. "We need to go to GrandDad Carlisle's house." I told him. "Why?" He asked. "Because Megan's Parents might be there." I told him. He nodded. He changed into a werewolf and I got on his back. "I'm ready." I said. We went out the door and went to Grandad Carlisle's house.

When we arrived. I got off of his back. He turned into a human. We walked in holding hands. Grandmother Esme hugged me. I hugged her back. "What happened to Megan's body?" I asked letting go of her. "Carlisle set it on fire and her Parents want to talk to You, Jacob, Bella, and Edward." She told me. Me and Jacob nodded. Then we walked to Grandad Carlisle's office holding hands.

We walked in his office. Mom and Dad were sitting on the love seat. Megan's Parents were sitting on the love seat across the one Mom and Dad is sitting in. I sat down in Grandad Carlisle's chair and Jacob sat in the other chair. "We are Megan's Parents." Megan's Mom said. "Hey." We all said. "Why is my daughter in ashes?" Her Dad asked. "Because, she tried to kill Renesmee." Jacob said looking at me. "Well that doesn't mean to rip off her head." Her Mom said. "Are you guys vampires?" Dad asked. "Yes." Her Dad said. "Well you see my daughter is half human and half vampire-" Dad said until her Mom interrupted him. "Impossible." Her Mom said. "She was born with I was still human." Mom told them.

After talking to Megan's Parents, me and Jacob have to go to the Volturi. Dad drove us there. "I hope that their not going to be mad that you two are engaged." Dad said. We finally arrived there. "Be safe." Dad said. "We will." I said. Me and Jacob got out of the car and walked in. "Oh Renesmee and Jacob." Aro said. "Hi Aro." I greeted him. Jane was sitting beside Aro. I put my hand on Aro's cheek. I stared into his eyes. "I would like to see Jacob's thoughts." He said while in took my hands off of his cheek. Jacob put his hands in Aro's hands. Jacob stared into Aro's eyes. Aro let go. "First time in our history vampires are getting married to our national born enemies." Aro said. I put my head on Jacob's chest and my hand that had my ring on it. "When's the wedding?" Aro asked. "September 1st." Jacob said. Aro nodded. "May I come?" Aro asked. I looked at Jacob. "You have to ask Bella and Edward." Jacob told him. Aro nodded. "You know that you two can't have any children." Jane said. We nodded. "Because if you have any children-" Jane said until Jacob interrupted her. "Renesmee isn't a full vampire, your rules don't apply to her." Jacob told them. Jane looked mad. "Pain." Jane said. Then Jacob started screaming and moving around the floor. I ran and jumped on Jane. Jacob stopped screaming. Jacob helped me get off of her before I started punching her. "I think it's time to go." Jacob said. I growled at Jane. Jacob and I left. Dad was wanting in the car at the door. Me and Jacob got in the back seats. "So how did it go?" Dad asked. "Bad." Jacob said. "What happened?" Dad asked. "They want to go to our wedding, and they said me and Renesmee can't have children." Jacob said. "And Jacob said that their rules don't apply to me." I finished. Dad nodded. "And Renesmee jumped on Jane because she was using her gift on me making me hurt." Jacob said. Dad nodded and drove off.

We got home, and walked in the house. Mom hugged me. "So how was it?" Mom asked. "Bad." I said. "I'll tell you later." Dad said. "Oh graduation is tomorrow remember." Dad said. I nodded. I went to my room. Jacob followed me. I closed my door. We sat down on my bed. "We get married in 4 more months." Jacob said. "And we are graduating tomorrow." I said. I wonder how Logan is going about Megan? I haven't talked to him since prom. "I'm going to call Logan." I said. Jacob nodded. I got out my phone and called Logan. I put him on speaker.

"Hello?" Logan asked.
"Hey Logan!" I said happily.
"Who's this?" Logan asked.
"It's Renesmee," I said.
"Oh hey!" Logan yelled happily.
"Jacob's here too." I told him.
"Hi bro." Jacob said.
"Hi Jacob." Logan said.
"Have you heard what happened to Megan?" I asked.
"Yes, she was in a car wreck." Logan said.

Logan doesn't need to know the truth. Which is that Jacob killed her. He doesn't even know about vampires and werewolves. I feel bad for him.

"Are you glad Megan's gone?" I asked.
"Kind of." He said.
"Oh you are invited to me and Jacob's wedding!" I said.
"When is it?" He asked.
"September 1 at 12:00 PM." I told him.
"Where is it?" He asked.
"In my family's forest." I said.
"The Cullen's?" He asked
"Yes." I said.

We talked forever until it was 8:00 PM. I fall asleep in my bed. My head was on Jacob's chest.

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