Chapter 2

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It was 9pm, Seth parks on his driveway and texts Tara,

Seth: Tadaima!

Tara doesn't reply. Seth just puts away his phone and gets out of the car then goes in the house. His family wasn't home and he was relieved with the thought of that. He goes to his room to put down his stuff and turns on his pc.

As he was waiting for the pc to boot up, he gets a message from Tara,

Tara: Welcome home :)

This puts a smile on Seth's face.

Seth: What're you up to?
Tara: Just out
Seth: It's late, are you with Riley?
Tara: No. She went home a few hours ago. I'm just by myself at the park near the ocean
Seth: The one near my house?

Tara doesn't reply. She just continues to listen to the ocean hitting the rocks while she was sitting on the hood of her 2018 black Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. This bitch rich. She's so deep in her thoughts that she didn't even hear Seth pull up next to her car.

Seth gets out and approaches Tara then puts his hand on her shoulder, "Hey, you okay?" Tara turns to look at him with a smile, "Yeah. Just wanted some air and to think. What're you doing here?"

Seth sits next to her, "Got worried cause you didn't reply." Tara looks down and is about to tear up but she quickly regained herself and looked back up. "You don't have to worry so much but thanks though." She leans on his shoulder and closes her eyes.

Seth looks at the distance. He starts to think about the girl leaning on him right at that moment. He knows his feelings but chose to ignore them. Should I just tell her how I really feel? Anxious, but ready to get it over with.

"Hey Tara...," Seth hears Tara's light breathing. She fell asleep on him. Seth looks at her and just smiles softly but whispers, "I actually really like you, a lot."

No reply. Just light snoring. Seth is looking at her with awe, strawberries, he caught a whiff of her shampoo until Tara starts to move around a little and wakes up. She yawns and rubs her eyes like in the anime. (Bite me) Fuck. She is so damn cute. Seth, being the dork he is, says this in his mind while looking at Tara amused.

Tara looks at Seth and blushes then looks down, "Sorry. I fell asleep on you."

"No no, it's okay. You seem tired though. You should go home. Can you drive?" Seth asked with a concerned look.

Tara looked at Seth a little confused. "Yeah. I'm not drunk, just tired haha"

Seth blushes and rubs the back of his head, "Oh yeah. Haha." He laughs awkwardly.

Both of them sits in silence, a little awkward.

*cricket cricket*

Tara stands up and stretches, "Uhh I should get going."

"Yeah me too." Seth stands up.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." Tara unlocks her car door.

Seth was walking back to his car when Tara called out to him, "Seth! I almost forgot," she runs to him holding a shirt. "Here's your shirt back. I bought a new one earlier. Thanks again. Bye!" Tara waves bye to him and runs back to her car, she starts the engine then drives off.

Seth looks at the burgundy shirt that he lent Tara, he didn't even notice that she was wearing a different shirt. This shirt most likely still smells like her. He smiles at that thought.

Yes, it sounds weird and creepy. It gets a bit creepier.

He smelt the shirt, strawberries.

Seth shakes his head smiling and just walks to his car. He unlocks it then drives back home. He can't believe that he actually smelt his own shirt just to smell her again. Weirdo.

Tara gets home and goes straight to her room. She was about to knock out until she gets a text from Seth.

Seth: Did you get home safe?

Tara stares at her phone, trying to see if she read the text right. She ignores her inner fangirl and just replies knowing she's too tired to deal with her feelings at the moment.

Tara: You can say that. I almost fell asleep while driving lol jk
Seth: Don't joke around with that
Tara: Sorry sorry. Yeah I got home safe. You?
Seth: My house is a 3 min drive from where you were, yes I did lol
Tara: Okay. I'm gonna sleep now. Tired.
Seth: Okay. Goodnight Buketeru sweet dreams :)
Tara: Night. You too :* lol

Tara plugs in her charger and puts down her phone then does her usual night routine and goes to bed.

Tara sending a kissing emoji to Seth is not new. But Seth showing concern and saying sweet dreams is new.

Seth was laying on his bed thinking about what happened at the park, he grabs his phone and looks at his home screen, it was a picture of Tara looking down while drinking boba. He smiles remembering that first time they went to get boba. She was still dating her ex that time but was long distance and he was still hung up with his ex. Tara was depressed that time because of a fight she had with her ex so Seth asked her if she wanted boba to cheer her up. Tara did the stupidest thing though, she brought her best friend Riley with them.

Seth chuckled recalling that memory. Riley caught him taking a picture but gave her a shush signal. It was supposed to be a joke but he didn't expect himself to actually like her.

He gets up from his bed and goes to his pc that he turned on a few hours ago. He types in his password and opens an app for video editing. He's been editing this particular video for a while now. He just needs the perfect song and the perfect time to show it.

Seth's phone rings, he grabs it and checks the caller ID, it was Karla. His ex. He sat there, frozen not knowing what to do. Should he answer it? He shouldn't right? But he did. Dumbass.

"..." he literally answered the call and didn't say shit. He stayed silent.

"...hello? Seth?" It's been a while since the last time Seth heard Karla's voice.

All his mind is saying is, Why now? Why the fuck now? I've moved on. Haven't I?

Has he really though?

"Karla..." Seth replies with a whisper but she can still hear. He tries to not break, "What do you want?"

Karla wasn't fazed by Seth's rudeness. Why would she? She broke him. "A little rude but I deserve it. How are you?"

"Cut the bullshit Karla. What do you want?" Seth said with gritted teeth.

"I want to meet up with you tomorrow in front of the lounge. I need to talk to you."

"If you have something to say, just say it now so I won't have to see your face." Damn. I felt that, you felt that?

"Harsh. But this needs to be said in person. I'll see you tomorrow at 12 noon. Bye." Karla hangs up so Seth wouldn't say no. Either way, it's in front of the lounge where he usually is. She can easily walk up inside and approach him.

Seth groans in frustration. He can't believe that this is happening after a year of trying to move on. He turns off his pc and goes to bed. Who knows what will happen tomorrow.

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