Chapter 3

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Things happen based on our actions. Things also happen for a reason based on those actions. It's inevitable. With Seth's situation, it really is inevitable.

Walking to the lounge distracted, Seth sits down on one of the couches and groans in annoyance. He can't help but think about what just happened last night. Him confessing to a sleeping Tara, Karla calling to meet up with him, Tara's scent. His head is all over the place.

He checks the time on his watch and it was almost noon. He hasn't seen Tara nor Karla. He stands up and goes out of the lounge then sits on the steps near the main entrance. He takes out his phone and just starts scrolling through it.

Someone taps him on his shoulder and he looks up to see Karla. "Hey Seth." Seth stared at her. His feelings are so messed up. He hates her, but then old feelings are coming back to stab him in the back.

Seth stands up and walks to the nearby wall and leans on it, "So what's this all about?" Crossing his arms and just looking at Karla with a poker face. His voice was cold.

"I'll get straight to the point, I'm leaving for Florida after the semester. For good." Karla says with a straight face looking at Seth dead in the eyes.

This immediately made Seth's hands fall to his sides. Karla was leaving, for good. "W-what?" Seth starts to stutter. "I'm moving to Florida, Seth." Karla repeats this while looking down. "What about school?" Stupid question. "I'm gonna enroll there of course."

"What about Kenneth?" Seth didn't want to know but at the same time he does.

"I'm moving with him...." Karla looks away. Seth felt a sharp pain in his chest when he heard Karla say it. He already knew the answer but hearing it directly from her lips hurts him even more.

Seth looks at her with cold eyes. "So why are you telling me this?"

"I wanted to make things okay between us before the semester ends and before I leave."

"Really Karla?! After a goddamn year, you try to make things okay?! What the fuck!" Seth is now yelling. This hurts him a lot after going through shit.

"I still want us to be friends, Seth. Is that wrong?" Karla starts to tear up. Torn with the fact that Seth really does hate her. "Can you please forgive me all through those years?"

This got Seth fuming. "Forgive you? You want me to forgive you and forget everything then go back to being friends with you like nothing happened?! Are you hearing yourself right now Karla?! You fucking left and cheated on me! Twice!" Karla starts to cry, "I'm really sorry for everything, Seth!"

Seth starts to calm down. His heart was breaking seeing Karla cry. He never wanted to do that to her. He was hesitant to approach her and hug her but he sucked it up and still did. He hugged her tight. He missed her so bad. "I'm sorry for yelling...."

They both just stood there in silence. Hugging. "I just want us to be friends again." Karla was still sobbing. Seth just sighs, "I want us to be friends again too but it's going to take a while." Karla just nods while sobbing in Seth's chest.

"I forgive you though..." Seth whispers this and Karla heard it. She was happy but still sad.

Tara was walking with Riley to the lounge, "I'm telling you there is a chance." Tara was just laughing at Riley while she says this. Riley was talking about Seth and her getting together. She doubts it but she also hopes for it. They were both just laughing until they walked through the main entrance of the building and saw Karla and Seth hugging.

Tara stopped in her tracks, "T, what's wrong?" Riley looked to where Tara was looking. Seth and Karla stopped hugging and Karla turned around. Seth and Tara locked eyes but Tara was the one who broke their contact. She just smiled and walked away to go inside the lounge. Riley glared at Seth and Karla then followed after Tara.

"You should go after her." Karla gave Seth a sad smile.

"Are you sure?" Seth was hesitant to leave Karla alone. But why?

"Mhm. Go. I'll be fine."

Seth looks at Karla one last time then runs after Tara. She was just sitting in front of Riley scrolling through her phone. "Hey Tara," Tara looks up and smiles at Seth, "Hey..." she then looks back down to her phone again.


Seth doesn't know what to say. Tara was hesitant to ask what was wrong. But she's too eager to find out, "so.. what was that all about?" Seth looks at Tara, not knowing if he should tell her. "Nothing. It was nothing."

"Didn't seem like it was nothing"

"It really was nothing"

"So you're really not going to tell me?" Seth is starting to get annoyed. He doesn't want Tara to get involved in this one particular situation. He already knows what she's going to tell him. Or does he?

"What is there to say Tara? You don't need to know everything in my life." Tara was taken aback. She stood up, "Yeah I don't, but then you come to me for help and I don't know how to because you never tell me your situations!" Tara grabbed her stuff and stormed out of the room.

Frustrated, Seth looked at Riley who was ready to kill him. "Go talk to your best friend, Riley." Stupid. Really stupid. "Why the fuck would I do that? Was I the one who made her mad?" Riley is pissed. Of course, that's her best friend who just got hurt. "Just please talk to her."

"No, that's your 'sister' also your best friend. You fix it." Riley stands up and grabs her stuff then goes after Tara to check up on her.

Tara was outside behind the building sitting down on the steps. She was smoking a cigarette, something that Tara has been doing every time she's stressed. She's trying to stop though.

"How are you?" Riley sits down next to her. "Stressed, as always." She takes in a long inhale of her cigarette and blows it out. "He is just so annoying nowadays. He won't open up to me."

Riley just sighs, "I yelled at him after you stormed off. He wanted me to talk to you for him. I told him that he should do that himself."

"Yeah he should. I'm sick and tired of this bullshit."

"You say that but once he texts you and apologizes, you'll be back to serving him again."

Tara stayed silent because she knows it's the truth. No matter what, she can't get rid of her feelings for him. It's stupid but true.

Back in the lounge, Seth was just anxious. He doesn't know what to do. He wants to go after her but he things it'll just make things worse. A few seconds later, the door opens and it was Tara and Riley coming back. Seth was about to say something but Tara looked stressed, "I'll see you tomorrow okay Riles?" With that, she walked out completely ignoring him.

"What's going on? Why did she look stressed?" Seth asked Riley looking dumb. Really fucking dumb. "She's stressed out because of you, school, and at home retard." Riley looked at Seth ready to hit him on the face because of his dumb questions. "Anyway, go fix your shit with her. I'm going home." Riley just walks out of the lounge and left Seth thinking of what he should do.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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