5th part

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The sleeping medicine Seokjin had brought was most definitely working, effectively too. It had been no more than ten minutes, yet the hybrid was already fighting against his drooping eyelids. To be fair, he had already been quite exhausted beforehand. The pill had most likely boosted that already existing tiredness, making it even more difficult for him to fight against its steadily increasing weight.

Hoseok was currently seated on the kitchen floor, not too far away from the chair he had sat in when he had eaten his food. His head kept lolling in desperate attempts to sleep, but every time it dropped, he would shake his body harshly again, trying his very best to get rid of the spell on his eyes.

After a while it seemed like he too understood that his attempts to shake off the tiredness while seated were futile. Instead he stood up with great force, huffing harshly and shaking his head.

"Sit back down." Yoongi mumbled from his seat on the kitchen chair opposite from the hybrid. He had been occupying himself with watching him ever since he consumed the pill. Partly due to Seokjin's words of being cautious about symptoms, and partly because he found it highly entertaining. Really, somebody should make a show based solely on very sleep deprived people trying to stay awake. Even if it wouldn't be a hit, he knew for certain that he would be watching it. Darn, he would even pay money for them to renew it every season.

The hybrid didn't answer him, only shot him a short glare that was probably supposed to look scary, yet the obvious shine of tiredness in them made it more comical to Yoongi's eyes than threatening. Footsteps filled the big room in another desperate attempt to stay awake. Bare feet moving from the carpet to the wooden floor. An uneven rhythm of tired steps surrounded them. Some soft as they hit the carpet, others loud with the impact of wood. Yoongi closed his eyes to the rhythm, finding it strangely comfortable.

A soft smile appeared on the man's lips at this realization. It was this he had so desperately wished for wasn't it? To be able to close his eyes, yet still be accompanied by the sound of another. If this had been two days ago, and he had closed his eyes, everything would be an empty and silent darkness. He had been trapped in an eternal death, but now, for once, he could feel alive in his own home.

He listened carefully as the sound grew sloppy. From confident steps, to sagging feet. Getting slower and slower. Fading further and further into dreamland. Eventually the sound of sagging feet stopped fully. At that, Yoongi opened his eyes. Hoseok had stilled in his place, his head lulling once more and his knees threatening to give in to the pressure. Quickly, Yoongi headed over to the hybrid, making sure to catch him before his body would collapse. Hoseok snored quietly in the other man's arms, making him smile softly again. Eyes rested at the frame of the hybrid. He was calm once more. The smile on Yoongi's face turned bitter. He hoped that someday this wouldn't have to be forced. That they could both be comfortable in each other's presence without the need to force anything. Rest and comfort should never be a chore.

With much more struggle than before, Yoongi once again lifted the hybrid to a bedroom. A guest room this time. Deciding that the other deserved some privacy. Carefully, he put the sleeping frame down onto the mattress, making sure to wrap the comforters around him.

"Sleep well Hoseok." He said calmly before he exited the room, making the decision that he too might go to bed soon. The medicine was supposed to work for six hours, but considering his previous exhaustion, it was very likely that he would sleep even longer than that. Nonetheless he set his alarm to ring in 5 hours and 45 minutes just to be safe, and after cleaning up after dinner, he went to bed as well. 


He was running. Twigs were snapping below his bare feet and his eyes were frantically scanning the dark forest around him as he tried his best to keep up his fast and exhausting pace. His lungs were burning and he could no longer feel his legs. No matter what, no matter how bad the pain got, he couldn't stop running. In fear of what would happen if he did, the adrenaline kept him going.  This forest, he knew it by heart, even at times like now when it was colored by fog, rain and nightfall. He knew it, but somehow, now that a threat was looming behind him, it seemed like nothing except his instinct to flee were present. The well known trees became a suddenly unknown maze and his mind had no time to try to make any strategic path choices. It was already working on full gear. Screaming at him to get away.

Wild [Yoonseok/Sope] (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now