Chapter 4

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"No I need you to be safe at home! go home son! NOW!" my father basicly screamed at the top of his lungs causing the warehouse to echo. I think it echoed through my phone to judging by his reaction by hitching his breath.

I immediately hung up. Soon after I heard sirens down the street.

End of Recap.

I was stood in shook as I reaslised my father could be the Kidnapper of Olivia Rose. I was Pulled out of thought from the sound of footsteps rounding the crates, I pushed my entire left side of my body against the crates trying to become as little as I could, I saw a pair of beish working boots come into sight with a pair of light blue jeans, I regonised them as my fathers judging by the scratched "CAT" brand tag from the middle of the shoe.

I decided to make my move and tackle the man to the ground, we both landed in a thud. "get off me you imbosile!" the man's deep voice projected through out the warehouse, I recgonised that voice from anywhere, that voice was my father, Andrew Hemmings,  "Dad why would you do this!" i jummped from my crouch and pinned him on the ground, "her family had it coming, now get off me Luke or you will ruin it all!" without having time to react he managed to push me off him.

I was going to run after him but he grabed a knife and made another gash on her thigh, she roared with pain, Anger raged through Andrew and he back handed Olivia "Don't scream! I've told you before!" I heard the sound of Footsteps trudging through the doors of the warehouse "Sydney Police! put your hands up, what ever you say or do will be held against you!" one of the officers yelled.

"Luke you will figure it all out one day, then you will know why ive inflicted this pain! you will know Luke!" witha evil grin he was pushed to the ground and handcuffed, as he was taken out the boy's came inside with the paramedics, a chorus of "are you alright?" "what happened" chanted.

"boy's ive fine, I'l tell you later but I think we have other matter's on our hands" I said as we turned to Olivia being put onto a stretcher and being walked out of the warehouse.

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