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Have you ever loved someone so much, that you could barely take being away from them?

At the same time, have you ever hated that same person, and it hurt to be around them?

I have.

And not the kind of love that is called puppy love. Real love. And not the kind of hate that's real, vivid hatred. Just small hatred towards them because of what they're doing to you.

Some people seem to have two personalities.

Sometimes it because they're going through something hard, and they don't know how to handle it.

So they take out their anger on you it seems. Words get said, feelings get hurt, and they regret it already.

But they can't take back what they said, and sometimes you don't want to forgive them.

But you do.

Because you still love them.

Love is an interesting thing. It can be the most wonderful feeling, it can be the worst.

It can get you to be constantly happy, it can get you to be constantly hurting.

Even though you want to be with the person you love, you know you're better off staying away from them, because they're slowly tearing you apart.

But for some reason, you just can't leave, you just can't end it.

You break it off for a while, and try to see other people, and forget that one person you love. But you can't. You see them everywhere you look, and are reminded of them by everything.

So you just keep coming back to them, and they let you.

Then you're back to square one, and eventually you get to the point where you can't take the hurt anymore, and leave.

The cycle just goes on and on, seemingly endless.

And you feel so helpless, so pathetic, because for some damned reason, you just can't stop the cycle, coming back for more every time.

I would know.

So here is my story. My ups, my downs, and the crazy parts in between.


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