Dear boomers

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Being alive in this society is hard.

Our minds are brainwashed by steriotypes and double standards. It's an era where toxic behaviors are normalized, anorexia is looked up to, everyone judges everyone and everyone wants to impose their thinking onto others.

You look down on us, thinking these teenagers are way too attached to their phones and we all are fake depressed, looking for attention. Sometimes I wonder what if you know how it feels like, not wanting to do anything, to just sleep and to stay home, scared by what people think of us and our phisical appearance. "Love yourself" you say, but God, do you know how hard that is?

You blame every problem on phones, because you don't understand that it can be our safe place, where no one can see us and we can stop thinking for one moment. We, in fact, think way too much. "Am I thin enough? Am I smart enough? Do my friends actually love me?". The internet is a wonderful place. We can joke about being sad and lonely and all ours mental and physical ilnesses without allarming people who wouldn't understand. I think that we feel less lonely when we are with people who have our same problems. Maybe because we feel more understood, who knows.

In one way or another we are all mentally instable. How could we not be, raised in a place like this? We are tought that men can't wear feminine clothing, that girls have to shave, that if we want to be accepted we have to be fit and cover all our imperfetions.

It's funny because we are surrounded by these impossible standards that we think are realistic so we destoy ourselves by thinking that we should be more like the others. Truth is, not even with plastic surgery we could achive that. We we always feel inferior if we keep comparing us to everyone else. And even the models we look up to, don't we all know that they all have eyebags and imperfections that they cover with make up.

We keep saying that it's the inside that matters but that applies to everyone else, because we are obsessed with being beutiful.

It's almost funny and mostly sad how we think the world of someone not realizing that someone thinks the world of us.

Some people say, we do it for attention. But isn't looking for attention a call for help? Saying we're depressed or ugly for attention is a way to seek love maybe. We need people to pay attention to us, we need it and we deserve it. And yet, looking for attention is seen as a bad thing, because everyone should be modest and generous and kind.

Why do you keep lying to us like that? Why do you think being modest is a quality? It's not. We should be able to be proud of ourself, to know that we are good enough. You should teach us to love ourself, but at the same time we shouldn't, because loving ourself is considered narcisistic.

We are all so tired, all the time, of everything. We are depressed, anxious, paranoid. And it's bad. It feels horrible. It feels horrible when you tell us it's a phase, when you tell us to just smile, that we are ungrateful.

We cry ourselves to sleep and you tell us so often how we acctually feel, as if you knew more than us how we feel. And it's sad because, most of you think it's nothing because you were tought so. You never knew that it was wrong to feel sad, you never knew therapy was a good thing, you were tought it was for mad people.

The thing is, your society wasn't better. It was bad, just like ours.

And because of it, you are fucked up too, society ruined us all.

We are all, in the saddest way, the same.

Author's note:

English is not my first language so there are some mistakes for sure.

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