A Dare

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There you were, (Y/n) (L/n). 19 and have our own place you moved out your parents house or you can really say your Dad's house, your mom died when you was born so it was basically just you and him against the world.

(Your pov)
I was just sitting on my couch watching (F/S- favorite show) and it was just doing a marathon so I was planning on calling it a day until I hear my phone ring and I was talking to my friend Lilly (A/N if your name is Lilly sorry😌😌)

"Hey Lilly!"

"Hey y/n. I was calling you to ask if I can come over?"

"Yeah, it's okay with me I was getting bored here by myself"

"Great! Thanks see ya later!"

"Okay. Bye Lilly"

(10 minutes later...)
I had made popcorn for me and Lilly. I hear the door and opened it "Y/n!" Lilly yelled as she hugged me and I smiled "Wow. Your house is great" Lilly said "Well, my dad did help me unpack and set everything up" I say blushing a little "What do ya wanna do?" I hear Lilly asked and I thought for a moment and came up with something

"We can play truth or dare!" I say smiling "Okay, you asked for it if I give you the worst dares that you ever have to do" Lilly said smiling evily and I had a bad feeling for what she had in store.

(Few minutes later...)
"Okay! Y/n truth or dare?" Lilly asked as we sat on the couch "Dammit, if I pick truth she gonna have me confess something that I would never say out loud. But, if I pick dare... I can't even think what she would do then.

'Think y/n' I thought to myself as I was thinking about what to pick "Um... Dare!" I say and regretting it in my mind "If that's what you pick y/n" Lilly said smiling as she was trying to think what dare to give me "I dare you to... Spend the night in that old animation studio that your dad used to work in" Lilly said smiling evily at me

"No! They say that place is haunted!" I whined "It's your fault for picking dare" Lilly said and I knew in my head that it was true "Can you come with me?" I asked "No, this is your dare" Lilly said "I will come in the morning to get you" Lilly said smiling "Okay" I say as she hugged me and we headed to the studio.

(Ten minutes later no one's pov)
You and Lilly was at the front of the studio. "Well? Go in and get over with it" Lilly said as she opened the door and I walked in "See you in the morning bestie!" Lilly said before slamming the door and you hear that it locked 'Okay, nothing to be scared of' you thought to yourself as you walked around the studio.

(Your pov)
I was walking around and there are like a million of these cat-like cardboard cutouts that pops up out of nowhere and I almost had a heart attack 'I guess I can look around' I thought to myself as I started looking around the studio.

(??? Pov)
Another person here? Why can't they just leave me be and let me get on with my day? There are times like this when I need you Boris ol' buddy. But you're dead and you are never coming back. I can start having fun with this new person (Evil laugh)

(Back to your journey around the studio)
"Well, that's all six of the items that I needed to find" you say as you smile at the record that you placed on the display thingy (sorry! Don't know what it's called) than you made your way back to the ink machine room and see that's it's been boarded up.

"What the fuck!" You said out loud as you walked up to the doorway and a black, slimy creature jumped out and tries to grab you "Aah!" You screamed as you ran and made your way to the exit but before you got any closer the floor gave out than... Snap! You fell with a scream into the lower part of the studio.

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