A Little Crush

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"What's wrong Bendy?" You asked him "I had a nightmare" Bendy said still crying in your chest "Oh, was that it? It's okay Bendy nightmares are not real" you say smiling and Bendy lift his head up and wiped his face "But that's the problem. Some of my dreams end up coming true" Bendy said "What was it about?" You asked as you looked at the demon "It... I don't wanna tell you" Bendy said "You don't have to if you don't wanna" you say rubbing his head "What's wrong with Bendy?" Boris asked "It was a nightmare" you say "But I'm okay" Bendy said smiling as he hopped off the couch "Well okay" you say as you smiled and kissed Bendy on the cheek and hearts appeared in his eyes "Bendy?" Boris said snapping his hand in face "Y/n what did you do?" Lilly suddenly asked as she appeared on the side of her "Lilly!!" You yelled holding your Chest as you felt your heart beating against your ribcage. "Aw, yeah sorry about that y/n" Lilly said smiling at you and you couldn't help but smile back "I didn't do anything" you say looking at the demon "Um... Did you break him?" Lilly asked "What? No... I don't think so" you say "All I did was kiss him and he had hearts in his eyes" You say "Oh! Why didn't you say that?" Lilly said smiling "What? About Bendy?" You asked "Yeah, He's gonna be fine as long as you call him" Lilly said as she sat on the couch and watched as Boris tries to snap Bendy out of his little trance"Um? Okay I will try" you say as you walked up to the demon and snap your fingers in his face "Bendy!" You yelled and Bendy goes back to normal "Huh? What is it?" Bendy asked "You was in a little trance" Lilly said smiling "Oh! Sorry about that" Bendy said smiling at you with a little grey in his cheeks "It's okay" you say "So, what's in store for us today?" Lilly asked "Well... To be honest I really don't know" you say "Well, me on the other hand wants to do something fun" Lilly "Someone's coming" Bendy said staring at the door "Who is it?" Lilly asked "She's a female and she has cat ears on top of her head and everything she is wearing is black and white" Bendy said "Oh, don't worry about that Bendy. That's just my friend Rosie" you say (A/n- yep! Rosie is back and still has her yandere personally but she is 19 now)
You as heard a knock at the door and Lilly comes and opens it "Hello, I'm Lilly" Lilly said as she stood there in front of the girl "Hi, my name is Rosie. So, you are Lilly that y/n kept talking about?" Rosie asked "Yeah, that's me. I'm her best friend" Lilly said as she stepped out of the way to let the girl in the house "Rose" you say as you hugged her and she hugs you back as she took a look at Bendy "Y/n! Who is that?" Rosie asked as she pointed to the demon that was hiding behind you "This is Bendy" you say patting his head an he makes a purring sound "He is so cute" Rosie thought to herself as she looked at the demon "I'm Bendy. Bendy the dancing demon" Bendy said as he stepped from behind you and walked up to the girl "Rosie" Rosie said smiling "So what brings you here?" You asked as Boris walked back downstairs to see Rosie "Is that a dog?" Rosie asked "Okay. First off I'm not a dog I am a wolf and second off if I was a dog I would be so... Much smaller than this" Boris said "Oh, sorry" Rosie "It's okay. I'm Boris the wolf" Boris said shaking Rosie's hand "My name is Rosie" Rosie said smiling "Oh, and about your question y/n. Since Jax is out of town he said that he would like it if I stay with you for at least 2 or more days" Rosie said "Okay you can stay in the extra guest room that I have" you say "Your house is great. Henry did a-" Rosie gets cut off by you putting your hand over her mouth "Oh no" Boris said as you and everyone else stepped away from Bendy who now in his demonic form "What happened to Bendy?" Rosie asked scared as she held on to you "So I see that you like it that I'm back" Bendy said smiling evily "Bendy" you say as you walked towards the demon "Y/n... I suggest that you stay backed" Bendy said as his grin grew even more frightening "Bendy stop it" you say as you put your hand between his horns "Y/n..." Bendy said as he turned back to normal "I'm so sorry" Bendy said as he hugged you "The crash" Bendy whispered "What are you talking about?" You asked the demon as you kneeld down on one knee to his height and he suddenly fell into your arms causing you to fall back "Bendy!" You yelled as you laid on the ground with the demon on top of you causing your face to heat up and you squealed "Y/n?" Boris asked "B-Boris get Bendy off me" you stutter trying to react to this moment "Got Cha" Boris said as he picked up the demon ad placed him on the couch "What the hell happened?" Rosie asked as she stood there with nothing else to say "Don't worry about that. Just don't say Henry in front of him" You say smiling as you dusted yourself off "So... Exactly did you meet Bendy?" Rosie asked you "It was dare for me from Lilly to have me spend the night in the studio which some people believe that it's still haunted" You say "After meeting the ink demon we just sat in the house most of the time" You say "Since he is a demon do he have powers?" Rosie asked "I don't know. The only trick that he showed me is that his eyes change colors when he feel certain things" you say "That sounds good to me" Rosie said "I know" you say "And after their eyes met it was live at first sight" Lilly sweetly said as she held a pink bow and arrow in her hands "Where did you get that from?" You asked "You should already know what I need this for" Lilly said smirking "It's almost Valentine's day" Lilly said as she had hearts floating around her head "Okay! That's not normal!!" Rosie yelled "Oh this? Sorry" Lilly said as she shook her head and the heart went away "I am a angel" Lilly said "So you are dead?" Rosie asked "No, I am alive. I really don't understand myself" Lilly said with a confused look on her face "I thought you was going out with Cole" Lilly said "What? Him? No we are just childhood friends but... He did used to asked me if we can be a couple but I always say no" you say "And now he's obsessed over you" Lilly said smiling "Shut up Lil. He is not obsessed with me" you say "We should be getting to bed" you say "I will grab Bendy" Boris said as he grabbed sleeping demon "Okay, I will see you guys at school tomorrow" Lilly said as she snapped her fingers and disappeared "Come on Rosie, I will show you to your room" you say smiling as you motioned the girl to follow you and you led her to her room "Here we are" you say as you opened the door to see a sky blue room with a bed with green sheets on the top "It's Soo cute!" Rosie said smiling "This was supposed to be my room but I really don't care that much about bright colors" you say as Rosie walked in and sat on the bed "Thanks y/n" Rosie said "You welcome Rose" you say "Good night" You say "Good night!" Rosie said before you closed the door and walked to your room.

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