Ch 18 - The Day Before The Wedding

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You wake up to Miia being curled around you. You close your eyes and think about everything that happened when you got back yesterday from getting the suit and ring. It was pure chaos in the house. All the girls were running around yelling and trying to get things together while Miss Smith had taken Miia out to get her dress. You also got to meet Miia's mother. She was even more aggressive then her daughter. It scared you when Miia and her mother started to get into it with each other over you. Miss Smith had to reassure you that it was normal for their species to quarrel over a guy and not to worry. It was a while before Miia and her mother tired themselves out but afterwards you helped Miia wash in the bath and curled in bed with her with the end result of you waking up with her curled around you. You looked down at her when she started to stir. She opened her eyes and looked up at you as you ran your hand through her hair causing her to blush a deep red. She slowly un-winded herself from around your body. As soon as you were free to where you could move, you grabbed her face and kissed her deeply causing her to moan out from pleasure.

"Good morning my Love." you say.

"Good morning Darling." she exclaimed loudly in a happy tone.

You where about to grab her and hold her in your arms when there came a knock on the door.

"Come in!" you say loudly.

Suu comes in slowly through the bedroom door.

"Master says breakfast is ready." Suu says.

"Thank you Suu. We will be there shortly." you say.

Suu leaves the room giggling sounding like bells. You thought it was good that Suu had meet Kimihito. He saw her as a girl that needed to be protected. You just hoped Kimihito could experience happiness in life like you are now. The poor guy needed it. You slowly get up out bed bed and get dressed. You helped Miia put on some clothes. She had a hard time still getting a shirt on. Once you were both dressed, you head to the kitchen to eat. When you came in, you saw that Kimihito had the table loaded with dishes holding food. You and Miia both grabbed a plate and helped yourself to food as the others were already in the living room eating. Once you both had enough on your plate, you both head to the living room to eat and noticed that everyone was staring at both of you.

"Umm is something wrong?" you asked.

"No. It's just that you two look so happy together." Kimihito says.

"So what is everyone's plans for today?" you ask.

"Well everyone is setting things up for your wedding. You two are to stay home all day while we go set things up at the place where the wedding is held. You two are to enjoy having time with each other today. Well we are taking off. Enjoy your day." Kimihito says while he and the girls get up.

You and Miia say good bye to the girls and Kimihito. Once they are gone, you both relax on the couch and relax watching movies together all day while cuddling. Eventually it starts to get late and both you and Miia are tired. You both head to bed while wondering where everyone was at but knew as long as the girls were with Kimihito you knew they were fine. Both you and Miia climb into bed and cuddle. You both eventually fall asleep dreaming about tomorrow.

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