One day at a time

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I walk into my high school, head held high as my shoes make that "clip, clop" Sound. Everyone stops and stares, their eyes bulging as they come to see the most beautiful thing they have ever witnessed. I flip my perfectly styled hair over my shoulder as I walk to my first class.
I walk into AP math, everyone's still staring but this time not in a good way. One kid laughs and then so does another and then another, I realise I'm standing there with my favourite teddy in one hand and wearing my scraggy, old pj's with my natural bed hair. Kids laugh continuously and the light seems to dim. For some reason I'm becoming smaller and smaller like I'm looking up at giants. The laughs all tune in together and it sounds like an alarm, "beep, beep". Suddenly I feel completely cold, I snap awake!

Phew, it was just a really intense nightmare. But still, why am I so cold?! Wait am I wet?!
"Mum!!!!" It must have been her, you see I was brought up as an only child by a single mother. She's the best, most of the time.
I look at my alarm, sh*t, I have 5 minutes to get ready before my AP math teacher kicks my ass!

I grab the first thing I can find, tie my hair in a Loose pony tail and throw on some old, ripped vans. (Again don't judge me). I'm probably scarier than Bloody Mary herself, but it's either look good, or be early, and I pick the latter.

I run, no, sprint to school (even though I could have taken the bus)😅 and make it into class right before the bell rings. Everyone stares at me and I get this feeling that my nightmare is about to come true, but gladly no one laughs. The teacher however does scowl...intensely.

"Can you explain to me why you are so late?" She says pointedly. Late?! Late? I ran, no, sprinted here and reached the classroom a second before the bell rang. So no, I'm not late. But of course the opposite comes out of my mouth, "I'm sorry Ms, I won't be late again, I promise" I give my best 'I'm sorry' face before she nods and I take my seat. Kids around me cringe and scowl. Oh god, here I go again.

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