Brats and math

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Math😭. More specifically calculus and statistics.😭😭 why on earth did someone make this a subject?! And why did Ms Simmons have to become a teacher for that subject?! My subject?! It's like she has it out for me, like its her sole mission in life to ruin mine, at least whenever math class starts. Like it wasn't already worse that I was a goody too shoes. Let's just say I couldn't wait for that sweet, sweet bell to ring. And as if on que it rang. Hallelujah!! *mentally starts singing to high school musicals, 'schools out ring the bell'* 😂

I'm the first to leave the room, probably by a mile, (seriously with all this running I should Join the track team), I now have chemistry, not my finest subject but still a subject I have to learn, you see I want to follow in my mother's footsteps and become a waitress... No. What I really want to become is an inorganic chemistry lecturer (a teacher at university), I know, nerdy right? It would be, if I was any good at it. But alas I still try, even though half of the time I don't know why. (Hey that rhymed!) You see I get easily distracted, and I'm sooo a procrastinator.

Chemistry is boring as always, the teacher went 'blah, blah, blah' and the students did their work like good little pets. But at least no one cringed at me this period?! I think.
I'm in the middle of my compound balancing equations worksheet when the bell rings, the teacher issues homework and by then it was interval (morning tea). I sat in the cafeteria with Jasmine, she has been my best friend for what seems like forever (5 years exactly, what can I say I have a knack for counting time) she sits there waving impatiently, she's always had this incredibly tan skin and deep brown eyes, nothing I could compare too. To be honest I'm still trying to figure out why she's put up with me and my sh*t for all of these years, but hey beggars can't be choosers. She was sitting with Jason my other best friend (for 3 years, since high school started) he was pretty attractive with his dark hair and bright green eyes, he had this brooding vibe, but I always saw him as more of a brother. We sat at our usual table in the middle of the cafeteria, this is how it went the populars at the front of the cafeteria, the really not so popular at the back of the cafeteria (by all of the trash cans), and the In between, well... in between.

As we started eating our crappy cafeteria food, Sarah, the 'top dog' or 'queen bee', anyway you get the idea she was the it girl, stood up, flipped her perfectly curled hair over her tiny built shoulders and stalked towards my table. No one could compare to her, even if they tried. She had everything, good looks, rich, good connections and reasonably good grades, but the worst part... she was my bratty neighbour.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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