I didn't know what to think at all. Rafael ment everything to me and there is no way he could go now! He had so much to live for and so much he could do with his young life. I sat there for 5 hours near enough until a nurse came up to me. 'Rafael...is gonna most likely die. I'm sorry sweetheart.' She said, as I burst into tears. Rage was rushing through my veins as I thought of my mum and how she had done this. I also had depression since I had no idea how to think at a time like this.
I didn't know what was going to happen because nurses could be wrong sometimes. Rafael was too strong to go. 'Rafael come on you can do this!' I said over and over. The minutes felt like hours as I sat with my phone in my hands and my tears spraying it. I really wanted to see him but I knew I couldn't since he was rushed to the emergency room. I wished for it to be me in that room and not him. I knew he was innocent and my mum had just set this up because she wanted to destroy the relationship we had.
A nurse came rushing round the corner with some horrible news. 'Lola Fenix? Hey Lola I'm so very sorry your boyfriend is...dead' I crashed down to the floor onto my knees and I didn't know what to do. I just cried and cried and wanted to seek revenge. I hated my mum for calling the police in the first place but now she wasn't my mum. She was just Dalia Fenix to me. She didn't care about my feelings, she only cared about her own...
I went to go and visit Rafael in his room before they cut off the machines. As I entered the room, I could see how pale he looked and how broken he was. I was more broken than he was (I'm guessing) but I wanted to take his place so badly! I hugged him and told him that I loved him. the nurses tried to take me away from him but I pushed them out the room and I locked the door. I wanted to try everything I could. He needs to survive! He needs to be here with me and make my life whole again...
I grabbed a machine and I tried it on him. Didn't work. I tried the hinelick miniver. Didn't work. I tried everything I could but nothing seemed to work. I have up and I sat down to hug him. As I did that, he suddenly jumped up and breathed. I couldn't believe it! He wasn't breathing at all but he came back to life by a hug? Sounds weird right? Although it's crazy, it worked alright!
I told the nurses and they let him out 2 days later! I got my boyfriend, his parents got their son and my dad had a son-in-law(well when we were 18 or something!) Now as I'm standing here telling you this story, my handsome boyfriend Rafael still lives on and I still cherish those memories and will for the rest of my life! I still haven't forgiven my mum though! She hates me now anyway but I don't care because I have the rest of my family to support me! It's a miracle he survived, the nurses told me. A miracle indeed!!
The end :)