🌈Telling Katya's Mom🌈

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Katya's POV {Sorry For 2 Katya's In A Row But I Will Give Trixie A Long Chapter Next Time}
Me and Trixie decided to tell our parents. Trixie's mom was at work, my mom is a bank so she doesn't work today, so we decided to tell her first..

Me and Trixie walk into my house. My mom looks over at us and smiles. "Hello my dears!! How are you!!" I smile and laugh. Trixie giggles and I try not to blush.

"So! Any gossip you girls!?" I gulped. My mom looked at me strangely. "Well.. Me and Trixie are going out.." My mom's eyes widened.

"AWWW MY GIRLS!!" She screams while pulling us into a hug. "God. I wish my mom was this nice to me." I look at Trixie.

"What does your mom do?" I'm sure she was expecting me to ask. "It's no big deal. She just likes to compare me with my younger sister.."

"Awww!" I say, pulling her into a hug. "Let's go upstairs so we don't disturb my mom." She nodded and walked My my room.

"Real Russian hooker aesthetic." She laughed "Haha very funny. I just like my heritage" Trixie looked at me weirdly. "Well, I'm Native American snd I don't go around parading it."

"Bitch. Try living with a Russian accent, it's the worst." Trixie laughed very loudly.

"God you do make me laugh!"

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