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Trixie's POV
Was that really my Katya? She stuck
up for me.. She shouted.. Why? What happened to her. All I saw was her scared face turn to anger, she must have snapped..

Now I'm running after her. She must have come back down to reality. She's crying. I hate when she cries. I know it's natural but I want her to smile..

She doesn't smile much so it's nice when she does. It makes her seem cute. I cant even deny it. I love Katya..

She seems okay now. I calmed her down and invited her to my house. She started to blush. God she was adorable. But was she scared or did she like me? I'd never know..

I have 3 more lessons till lunch. Me and Katya sit at the back of the field. I talk and she listens. It's kinda fun. I'm just scared that she gets bored.

I basically zoned out for all of my lessons before then. My teachers were kinda worried but no one asked me anything.

The Stress Head And The Barbie {Trixya Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now