Flashbacks and Death

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That dream didn't make any sense at all. Tch. This is just pathetic. I hate it. I can still remember everything. Where everything made sense while mom and dad were around.

"Hey Natsu be careful of that. That is a gift from your mother. She'll kill me if it will be destro-" I could hear the old man stop because I didn't listen and accidentally broke it. We froze in silence everything around the world in slow motion.

"Igneel, Natsu~ I just had the most wonderful time of-What have you done?!" Grandine yelled at us and Igneel and I broke into a full sprint.

Good times... except for those times Grandine got mad.

Well, that was before anyway.Past is past. I was an idiot back then. I should have always listened to them. Cause it would just wreck my life.

"Natsu did you or did you not go into the portal chambers?!" Grandine asked me, rage present in her voice. I just stood there with my head hung low. I felt so guilty for disobeying her. "You did, didn't you?! What if you accidentally opened the wrong one??!! Huh?!"


I started before shutting my mouth once again. I shouldn't have broken the rules. "Natsu...."

I heard Igneel whisper. He looked at me disappointed. I turned to look at Grandine and saw her sigh in frustration, shaking her head. "You know what? I give up. There's nothing I can do to change this. I'm going to have to face the consequences. I'll be back."

I was about to stop her but Igneel was one step ahead of me. "Honey, where are you going?" Grandine turned around on her heels not even looking at us. She headed for the door and twisted the knob, opening it. "To the Magic Council." She said before slamming it in front of us.

Ever since that night, I never saw her again. Igneel and I went to the Magic Council to look for her but they've gone missing as well. That was the only time when I cried so much and I hated it. Igneel was there to comfort me and I know he was sad too.

"Shh.. It's alright son. Your mom will come back. I just know it. There's no need to cry...."

But the next day became worse for me. Igneel disappeared as well.

I could remember the silence.

I remember the tears that escaped.

The pain I felt when Grandine left was doubled.

For the first time I felt what death was like.

Because my heart just died.

I didn't notice the tears that were falling down my face. Stupid tears. Stupid feelings. "Aaggghhhhhhhhh!!! Igneel!!! Grandine!!! Why did you leave me all alone in this wretched world??!! I hate this! I HATE EVERYTHING!" I couldn't care less of those who heard me. I punched the sand repeatedly leaving a big hole.

Why do we have to get hurt?

Why do people leave us?

Why do we even have to feel?

I was so damn frustrated with this. I fisted my hands and lighted them on fire. "Roar of the fi-"

"Now, we don't have to be violent here. We wouldn't want to disturb the lovely creatures that reside on this beach now, would we?"

I stopped mid-air once I heard someone speak. I turned around and saw a white haired dude wearing a black cloak. He looks like my age. Have I seen this guy before? He just effing interrupted me.

I was about to speak but Whitey beat me to it. "Oh Natsu. How could you hate life? It's wonderful." How dare this guy say that...

"What a stupid question. Life sucks major balls." I replied to him dryly and I forgot one minor detail... I immediately grabbed him by the collar, my eyes probably deathly. "How the effing hell do you know my name? Who are you?!"

Whitey just smirked at me but then suddenly disappeared out of my grasp. Why that little...

"Oh how rude of me. I go by the name of Death."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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