What makes a Monster?

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The Warlock of Notre Dame: Chapter Six- What Makes a Monster?

Jace Pov- Notre Dame was closed to the mundanes today, Every Shadowhunter who piled into the church was dressed head to toe in white. Myself included.

Today was the day of Valentine Morgensterns funeral. His body wasn't here. It was taken to Idris last night to be cremated and sent to the city of bones. The funeral being held at the institute was a small celebration of life. Jonathan insisted on it.

I haven't known my boss long enough to figure out if he was someone worth celebrating, but his son was mourning him, so it was the least I could do. It was two nights ago when a very hysterical Jonathan Morgenstern showed up at my bedroom door, crying about his father being murdered.

He showed me the murder weapon that was sticking out of Valentines chest when Jonathan found him. It was one of Alec's special made arrows that he bought when we were together that day. I couldn't believe my eyes. Alec didn't seem like the kind of person who would murder someone, even if it was someone as awful as Valentine. I still don't think he would do that.

There must be another explanation. Maybe Valentine tried to hurt Alec and he had to defend himself. That, or someone got ahold of Alec's arrows and did it to frame him. The last time I saw Alec was when I left him alone with Jonathan to talk.

"I can't remember the last time I've seen so much white," Jonathan mumbled, looking around at all the Nephilim gathered. I'm actually surprised that there were so many people who liked Valentine enough to mourn him. He took me as the kind of guy who didn't have any friends.

"It's nice that people showed up," was all I could think to say. Honestly, I didn't even want to be here. Funerals were depressing, and I was still confused about the whole 'Alec killing him' thing. There is no way he would have done that.

Then again, I don't really know Alec. We have only had a couple small conversations. That's barely enough time with someone to decide wither or not they were a murderer. Still, a part of me knew that Alec wasn't capable of such a thing.

I turned toward Jonathan, who was cleaning off a table full of food. He sat a bowl of fruit salad on top of a Shadowhunter Codex which stunned me. One thing I learned about Jonathan Morgenstern when I arrived here, was the fact that he loved the angel. He worshiped the codex in the same way mundanes worshiped the Bible.

That Jonathan would never sit a bowl of fruit salad on top of it like it was a cozy. Very strange indeed.

"You left your book on the table," I pointed out.

He looked down at the codex before shrugging and going back to cleaning off the table, putting some food in a little container.

"Would you like to come with me to take this food to Magnus? I doubt you want to be left here alone with all these strangers. Especially with Hodge Starkweather. He keeps spewing lies about adventures he went on with my father. It's really starting to irritate me."

I nodded, following him out of the room and to the hidden door in the hallway. We made our way up the dark creaky steps before coming out of a hole in the bell tower floor.

Magnus was pacing the floor dressed head to toe in white, just like Jonathan. He was wringing his hands together with a worried expression on his face. I'm sure he is more conflicted about what Alec possibly done than even I am.

"Magnus, what's the matter with you? You look like a caged-up animal. Come over here and eat some food. You haven't had anything since breakfast yesterday," Jonathan said, putting the container on the table.

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