••7•• Nicknames

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Izumi POV

How Kacchan got his Nickname

Izumi and Bakugou sat in the break room quietly neither of them saying a word to the other, the silence was rather.


Izumi still had on Bakugou's leather jacket and was staring at the white surface of the table they were currently sitting at.

Izumi looked up at him and blushed.
"Uh thanks...."

His attention was drawn to the nervous girl who was shy with her words.
"....for saving me back there....uhh?"

She gave a weary smile and tipped her head to the side. Bakugou raised an eyebrow and squinted.

"You've gotta be kidding me"
He growled in annoyance at her stupidity, she jumped a bit in surprise.


"You've worked here for all of three days and you know everyone else's name except mine"

Izumi shot up from her seat and shook her head. "That's not true your name is Bakugou Katsuki and you happen to be so-...uh a very scary person"

Bakugou raised an eyebrow and she eased up a bit as she nervously sat down expecting him to yell at her because of her outburst but he just sat there with his brow raised.

She sighed a little and spoke.
"It's just everyone here wants to be called a certain name be it their actual name or a nickname but I don't know what to call you so I just don't say your name"

I hope that sounded believable

She twiddled her thumbs and an embarrassed blush danced onto her face. Bakugou gave her a dumb look that was soon replaced with an aggravated one.

"Well come up with one you can't just work here and not say my name"

Izumi looked at him and snickered off to the side the blush still on her face.
"Why not? you do it all the time"

Bakugou snapped his head at her and growled at her.
"WHAT WAS THAT?" He snapped causing her to jumped and yelp.

Bakugou sighed roughly and sat back down in his seat he put on a more relaxed face which kinda surprised her since he was always angry she had to admit he was cute and had chubby cheeks from a certain angle.

He signed again and crossed his arms and looked at her. "Look if ya give me a name I'll give you one, just don't make it something stupid"

Izumi nodded her head eagerly and tapped her chin in a deep thought before looking at him and giving him a big toothy smile that threw him off guard.

"How about Kacchan?"

He stared blankly and without even thinking about it shot her down instantly.

"Absolutely not"

She let out a small childish whine and pouted, Bakugou's lip twitched upward at the action.
"Why not?" She asked a little sad

He glared at her and growled making her a little more upset about not liking the name.
"I said nothing stupid"

Izumi snapped out of her pout and tilted her head and giggled, He jumped a bit at the sudden burst of giggles the girl let out.

"It's not stupid it's cute and it makes you sound less scary"

As Izumi was caught in her own fit of giggles she didn't notice him reach over the table and grab her by the cheeks pinching and pulling at them.

Izumi stopped giggling and let out sounds of childish protests as he pitched her cheeks.

"Ow ow Kacchan my cheekks"
He glared at her and pulled her cheeks softly giving her a bored and annoyed glare.

"Take back that part about it being cute rice face"

She tugged at his hands as he slowly started twisting
"Owwwwww OK OK it's not cute ow ow"

He removed his hands from her face and smirked slapping her cheeks in satisfaction.

"That's more like it and since you insist on using that ridiculous name I think I'll call you Deku"

Izumi frowned and her features darkened to a deadpan expression.

Bakugou's smirked and laughed crossing his arms in the process as Izumi frowned and gave an upset pout as she crossed her arms, Bakugou couldn't help but laugh harder at her reaction.

"Pick a different name then" he laughed as she shook her head and kept her pout.

"No" she said stubbornly
Bakugou shrugged and leaned forward as he smirked in her face.

"Deku it is then" he tapped her nose and she kept her pout as he laughed again.

Izumi POV
Me and Kacchan became friends that day... I was happy

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