Chapter 16

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Andy sits down next to Cordelia, moving his hand over hers, appreciating a moment of privacy as the gang runs around, grabbing any notes or knifes they need, filling like a really weird 80's montage. "The key opens the gate to the dead. They want us to meet them at the cemetery." Cordelia pushes the work of art away, pulling back the stray of hairs that fell out of her ponytail. "We're going to die, aren't we?"


She ignores him, standing up, allowing herself to show a weak side. "I'm only seventeen Andy. I'm supposed to be on dates, making my parents mad because I break curfew. I'm supposed to be talking on my phone about a party and ignoring homework. I'm not supposed to have to wash the blood out of my clothes after I lose my mind. I'm not supposed to constantly think about death! I'm seventeen. My biggest worries should be boyfriends and college." She collapses in his arms, feeling her legs give out on her. He feels her tears as they roll down her heated cheek.

"I know. We're all only seventeen."

He holds her close, feeling a pang in the chest. "You're right Cory, this isn't the life we should be going, but it is. And no matter what bullshit response I throw your way, it won't change the fact that we could die. But..." He holds up her chin, forcing her emerald eyes to stare into him. "We could kick some undead ass and save the world." She keeps her head down, laying on his chest. "And afterwards, I'll take you on our first real date."


He nods, offering his pinky to fulfill the promise. "Alright, but warning, I don't come when you honk your horn and I hate Chinese food." She tells him facts that he's known since he's had to pick her up a million times. The only other issue is Zach. He couldn't go on without telling him. Another bit of bad news. "I'm going to go speak to Zach." She nods, letting him go. He walks around, searching around the bar first before finding him outside, filling his lungs with smoke.

"Haven't you heard, smoking kills."

Zach turns his way, giving a chuckle before offering him one. Andy takes it, feeling the pit in his stomach grow. "Hey man, I got something to tell you."

"You're screwing Cordelia."

Zach takes another drag of his cigarette, shrugging his shoulders at the horror show of Andy's panicked face. "Relax man, she's a good girl. Happy to hear it." Zach lies to himself, feeling the heat inside of his build. "I mean, I'm dead remember?" Zach tries not to feel Andy's pity glance, but he can't. Andy stares at him, scared to say more due to Zach's state of mind. He dresses like hell, his shirt ripped, giving a close up of his chest, showing the red dots that have multiplied since last viewing. If tonight doesn't kill him, life would. "You know I could..."


Zach turns down Andy's offer of eternal life, putting out his cigarette. "We're going to die tonight and I can't wait." Zach grins, giving Andy a true smile. One he hasn't seen in a bit. "You know earlier I was scared because what have I left behind... but now she's here, and if killing me saves her, I'll do it again over and over." Zach burst into laughter, thinking of what his daughter might look like. She has his dimples. That child is a McCain.

"So, you're alright?"

"I'm Zach McCain." He flips his jacket over his torn shirt. His smile remains. "Come on kid, Rory wants to make a speech. Maybe keep the suicide plan to yourself." Andy wraps his arm around his lost friend, realizing that death might be his only escape. It hurts him to think about not having him after tonight, but no more than knowing the constant pain Zach McCain took everyday.

"Hey, move your asses!"

Rory pours six glasses of bourbon, handing each to one of the warriors. She moves on top of the bar, grabbing all the eyes in the room. "I just want to say it's been one hell of a ride with you guys." She toasts her glass to the sky. "Cheers to us." Tears in her eyes, she smiles, making the rest toast their glass with her. Rory jumps down, admiring the friendly faces that gather around her. She lets them sink into her memory, remembering who she's doing this for. She remembers the little girl she hid, seeing her big eyes, ready to take on evil itself. "Let's go save the world."

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