Chapter 10

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It was in the dead of the night about 2:30 am when Uncle Qadir got a call from the Civil Hospital that Jiya and Arsal had been in an accident and that they couldn't tell us everything on the phone so we needed to get there. And Fast.

Uncle Qadir, Baba, Me and Ruhail made it to the hospital in less then 20 minutes.

"Ajiya Rehman Ali and Arasalan Qadir Ali?" Baba asked the receptionist as soon as we entered the hospital.

"Go to the 2nd floor." The receptionist only gave us that much and when we finally got to the 2nd floor, it seemed like there was hysteria everywhere you turned. Nurses running about, police officers and people everywhere.

When I reached the reception and asked for Arsal and Jiya, the receptionist told us to wait in the waiting room and that the doctor will be with us in a while.

"Mr. Arsalan Qadir Ali and Ms. Ajiya Rehman Ali?" A doctor came to the waiting room and asked. Ruhail was the first one to answer to the doctor.

"That's us!" With a raised hand as all of us gathered around him.

"Mr. Arsalan is out of the Operation Theater now. We had to immediately take him in the OR because of his extensive internal injuries but he is stable now." At that everyone exhaled a sigh of relief but the tension was still there.

"But we are keeping him in the ICU right now, as he hasn't yet woken up." Qadir Uncle sat back in the uncomfortable chair of the Hospital waiting room, defeated.

"Doctor what about Jiya?" I asked him in a frustrated tone as he just wouldn't start talking about her condition.

"She is in the Operation Theater right now, she hurt her head badly and lost a lot of blood but it's under control right now. That is as much as I can tell you right now." With that the doctor left us alone in the waiting area.

I could see tears silently flowing out of Baba's eyes. He loves her so much. I can't imagine if something happens to her what will we do?


We had informed everyone at home about the current conditions of Jiya and Arsal. And I talked to mama about Jiya told her to pray for her. More than anything pray that she makes it out alive.

Ya Allah! I had made a promise to Rayan that I will take care of her. And she id my sister after all it is my duty to protect her!

Ya Allah! Give me the strength to be there for Jiya and Arsal. Ya Allah! Heal all of their wounds physical and emotional. Ya Allah! Give them the strength to make it through this. Ameen.


A man who introduced himself as Zameer to me told me he was in the car behind Arsal's and saw the accident take place. He was the one who immediately called the ambulances and that he also waited here in the hospital until someone from their families arrived since he didn't want to leave that way and wanted to make sure that they survived.

When I asked him about the accident he seemed doubtful that the accident actually was an accident.

"I don't know much but on minute everything is fine and that Land Cruiser is driving in the other lane coming from the opposite direction and then the next just as it is close to their car it turns it's direction and hits them." I had no reason not to believe this man.

"And then the driver doesn't even come out of the car and just speeds away." He was trying to be honest and helpful as he put his hand on my shoulder.

The police were saying the same that they are doing a search that the person who hit the car ran away and that no witnesses had actually seen or noted the plate number.

Zameer had gotten call after attending it he came back and handed me his business card.

"This has my phone number as well as my office number. I have to go now but if you need anything or any help give me a call. Okay?" I just nodded at him and bid him goodbye.

The Land Cruiser. The Land Cruiser was the only thing I found myself thinking about if not worrying for Jiya who the doctor said had hit her head hard and that they couldn't say anything surely until she woke up.

The Land Cruiser is a type of car that not everybody owns in Karachi. Maybe of I tried I could find the person. Maybe it wasn't an accident at all like Zameer had doubted maybe it was an intentional hit.

But I would also need to talk to Arsal and Jiya about it, who would want to hurt them?

Right now both Arsal and Jiya were unconscious and might stay that way for the night so I sent everyone home and stayed back at the hospital myself.

Ring. Ring.

I was dozing in a chair in the waiting room when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello, Affan Bhai?" I asked as soon as I picked up the call.

"Yes Daniyal, it's me. What's up your message sounded urgent I called you as soon as I saw the message." Affan Bhai sounded like he just woke up not too long ago.

"Affan Bhai, Jiya and her husband Arsal were in a car accident last night." I didn't need to beat around the bush with him and he was strong enough to take the news.

"Are they okay?" The sounds of footsteps sounded on the other side maybe he was moving and he also sounded a bit frantic.

"Arsal is in the ICU and so is Jiya and the both of them haven't woken up yet. Jiya hit her head pretty hard in the accident the doctors can't say much right now but they're both stable." I gave him a brief rundown and I think he muttered a 'Ya Allah!' under his breath.

He thought of Jiya as his own sister that's why I wanted to talk to him as soon as possible about this not just to inform him.

"I think it wasn't an accident." I slowly told him as I was now in a more secluded area of the corridor, not wanting someone to overhear me.

"What do you mean?" He asked me surprised. But before I could answer him a man approached me.

"Daniyal Rehman Ali?" I just nodded my head at him and signalled for him to wait a second.

"Affan Bhai I'll call you in a bit." With that I cut the call without waiting for his answer.

I gave the man my full attention and he got the idea and started introducing himself.

"I am Shariq Muneeb. I work for Mr. Arsalan Qadir Ali. I have something you might like to see." He showed me a manila folder and we sat down on a chair beside me.

"The accident was no accident." He started with confirming my suspicions and what he added left me shocked.

"The hit was ordered by Rohan Shah."

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