Meet Elizabeth

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Elizabeth Hayley has never been an ordinary girl, she has a gift, thanks to her mother she had never met. Her father used to tell her about her mother and how she got this gift, the gift which made her existence pretty hard. She was seen as an odd girl, her pure white hair was something people weren't used to, they even asked her if she had dyed it even though it was all natural. Her midnight blue eyes sometimes became a lighter shade, especially at night when the moon was out. The moon was one of Elizabeth's best friends, because of her gift. Another best friend of Elizabeth was a white wolf she called Luna, also after the moon. She didn't have any human friends, because they don't understand her at all.

"Oh Luna, you've no idea what it's like to live as half blood in a world full of humans..." She whispered to her wolf friend who just nuzzled her in response. It cheered Elizabeth up a little. "I know I wouldn't be usual if I was human, I mean I would still wear a lot of dark clothes to be compared with the darkness." She whispered once again to her friend, then she looked up and stared at the moon. "My dear friend, I thank you for the power you give me every night, also during the daylight." She told the moon in a grateful matter. She stretched slightly and then she slowly let her wings appear, they had a bluish colour even though they were transparent.

She slowly got up in the air and flew up to the top of a tree. She landed carefully and looked around the forest she was. She noticed that Luna was making sure she didn't fell out of the tree or anything, she looked at Luna in a way like she was telling the wolf she wasn't going to do anything stupid.

Since Elizabeth is only an half blood she can't fly all day without landing somewhere. She also didn't have all abilities which most fairies possessed, but she didn't mind it because she can hide her wings so would look human without using difficult spells or potions.

Also in fairy world she's not really accepted. Half bloods in general are seen as less than pure blood fairies, Elizabeth wasn't very surprised of that at all. She didn't belong in both worlds, she kind of belonged to the border of two worlds. Most half bloods belonged there, not only fairy half bloods, but also other half bloods. She kind of wished people wouldn't look down on her, she just wanted be accepted for who she is.

"Hello Ms. Hayley." She suddenly heard behind her. She was slightly startled and could have fallen out of the tree, but a strong grip around her prevented her to fall. "Don't worry, it's just me." The voice gently whispered in my ear. She slowly turned around to see boy around her age, it was Arlen.

Arlen is also an half blood, but he's half elf and half human. This isn't visible, except for his length and his slightly pointed ears. His hair was a dark shade of brown and his eyes were forest green and slightly glowing at some points. He also possessed a little magic of nature which came in handy at some points.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and looked slightly away with her eyes. "You know you don't have to call Ms. Hayley, Elizabeth is just fine..." She said softly, making him chuckle slightly. "I know, but you know I'm pretty formal to most people." He said gently and then he smiled sweetly. "Let's get you down on the ground, your wolf friend is getting worried." Before she could say something he scooped her into his arms and jumped down. She frowned slightly, because it just happened too suddenly. He gently put her on her feet after he landed perfectly on his feet.

"Don't do those things Arlen... I could have flown down on my own... I'm not a helpless girl anymore.." She muttered slightly irritated. "Well excuse me lady of darkness." He said in a playful tone when he poked her cheek. "I'm not a lady of darkness." "Well, you dress like one." He replied simply. "That's just my style, deal with it." She muttered, making him chuckle again. "Aw... You haven't changed one bit since we were kids, well not much." He said with a sweet smile. She sighed and shook her head. Luna walked over to her and softly nuzzled her. Elizabeth petted Luna and then she nuzzled her back. Then she looked at Arlen again.

"What are you exactly doing here? You're not the type of person who leaves home at night." Elizabeth pointed out. Arlen shrugged. "I haven't been able to be the person I really am, so I went out, besides my mom is okay with it." He told her and then he looked at her. "How about you? I'm sure your dad doesn't like it when you're outside every night." Now it was her time to shrug. "I'm seventeen, I'm sure my dad trusts me enough to be outside in the forest at night. He knows it's no use to keep me inside, because the moon would lure me outside anyways." She replied

The two were quiet for a few minutes. Elizabeth sighed and then she let her wings disappear. "I'm going home, I think it's for the best if I sleep for at least three hours before I need to go to school." She muttered, leaving a confused Arlen. "I thought you didn't care for school anymore?" He suddenly said, but she didn't respond to him and simply walked away, making a small blue orb which lightened the dark path for her a little.

After a while she was close to her house and she made the orb disappear before she walked to the front door. She grabbed her keys and opened the door. She walked in and then she closed the door. It was quiet and she knew her father was sleeping. She locked the door and quietly walked upstairs to her room. She closed the door softly and then she sighed. She quickly changed into her pyjamas and got in bed.

She wondered a few things, especially about what Arlen said. "Why do I even go to school..?" She questioned herself and then she sighed. She lied down on her side and slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

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