Chapter One

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"I'm never going to fall in love." I say, pulling my knees up to my chest and resting my head on them. "Love is nothing but heartbreak really. People are foolish, they only care about themselves."

"You always say that." Jai mutters while turning his head to look at me. "Will you ever change your mind, Ariana?"

"It's true, Jai. I'm not going to change my mind." Pausing, I flick the hair out of my face. "Why do you care so badly anyway?"

"Well, maybe someone out there really loves you and wants to be with you. Have you ever thought of that?" He replies.

I just laugh, shaking my head from side to side. No one will ever love me that way. It's just not going to happen. Even if they did, I still wouldn't end up in a relationship with them. I'm messed up in every way possible, why why would anyone want me? A small sigh escapes from my lips as I begin examine my arms. There is quite a bit of scars covering my arms and a few nasty looking bruises. I can also see a few scratches here and there and my tattoos of course. I have about three tattoos and all of them are small since I didn't want anything too noticable. One is one my right index finger and it says 'You Found Me'. Another one is a pair of wings on my wrist on my left arm. There's one on my right foot and it's just a little star. I don't plan on getting any more of them. My life hasn't been the best to be honest. My father is almost always drunk and he's abusive. He's only hit my mother about three times, but she hides things like that from me sometimes so it could be more. You could say I'm his main victim. I've gotten used to being abused by him, which is sad.

About two years ago, I took up self harming. It just feels nice to bleed my problems out, I suppose. My friends try to get me to stop but it's no use really. I don't have very many friends, just Jai, Luke, Daniel, James, Beau, and Aniliessia. Out of all them, I'm really close to Luke, Jai, and Ani. I don't get to talk to the others as much since they usually have plans with other friends and when it's not that, they are making videos to put on YouTube.

"I'm such a failure." I mutter under my breath, hoping Jai can't hear. "No one will ever love me."

Jai quickly turns to look at me, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Aria, don't EVER say that again. You are gorgeous and quite a few people love you. Everything about you is just plain perfect." He sighs and gently grabs my arm. He examines the cuts, scars, and bruises carefully before he takes my hand and squeezes it softly. "I'm here for you if you ever need anything, you should know that. The same goes for Luke and Beau and the others. They really love you, Ariana."

I smile as I feel Jai's arms wrap around me and pull me closer, hugging my tightly but still being gentle. For some reason, he is always very gentle with me, treating me as if I'm a breakable object such as glass. I've told him before that he doesn't have to be so careful with me but he doesn't listen. I just don't get it. Right then, I hear Jai's mother call out his name and we quickly pull apart.

"Hello Ariana." She says softly with a small smile and steps out onto the porch. "How are things at home?"

"Things are getting worse. My father is drunk all the time now and my mom and dad are almost always yelling at each other." I answer.

"I'm sorry to hear that sweetie." Gina stays quiet for a moment, seeming as if she's trying to make a decision. "Has he hit you today?"

"Yes.. it was worse than usual. He ended up using a belt." I tilt my head and look at her with a confused look.

She lets out a big sigh and runs a hand through her hair. "Aria.. would you like to come stay with us for now? Just until your mother sorts things out?"

"Are you serious?" I say with wide eyes. "You're joking, right?"

"Do you not want to stay here?" Gina asks, clearly confused.

"I would love to stay here!" Laughing, I stand up and give her a hug. "Thank you so much, Gina."

x x x x x

The bed lets out a slight groan as I shift into a more comfortable posistion and carefully place my hand on Luke's knee. He sighs and looks up at me, clearly bothered by something. I've been worried about him the past few days and the others have too. Luke has been really quiet and distant and he hasn't been eating as much as he usually does. It bothers me to see him like this. I figure it has to do with Chelsie, his girlfriend. I really do not like her at all and neither does Aria or Jai but they never say anything to him about it. Chelsie is popular and extremely rude. She's never happy with anything Luke does and keeps telling him to stop making YouTube videos. I will admit that she is gorgeous and that I do have a major crush on him, so it hurts to see him with her.

"Luke, can you please tell me what's wrong?" I plead. "None of us like seeing you this way."

"It's just.. I have a feeling that Chelsie is cheating on me and she told me the other day I need to stop hanging out with you all." Luke sighs again, burying his face in his hands for a moment. "I really love her.. I don't want to lose her, Aniliessia."

"There's nothing I can really do to help. Why don't you just tell her that it's bothering you?" I pause and glance at my phone. "If she is cheating on you, she's obviously stupid. I'm sorry for saying that, but you are an amazing person and it's a shame that she can't see that."

"Thanks, Ani." He says, smiling ever so slightly. "I love you."

By now, I've learned that Luke loves me in a sisterly way. I'm trying my best to face the fact that he will never love me in any other way but it is hard.

"I love you too, Luke." I say and let out a little yawn. "I'm so tired."

"You can go to sleep if you want. My mom won't mind. Let's just hope Beau or Jai or someone else doesn't come in and start fooling around."

We both lay down and I rest my head on his chest while he wraps his arm around my waist. He carefully covers me up with the blanket and quietly speaks to me until I fall into a nice sleep.

I scream and jerk awake while clawing at the blankets, trying desperately to get them off of me. Another nightmare. The past two years I've been having these horrible nightmares so I don't sleep very well. There's only one person that knows about the nightmares and why I've been having them and that person is Ariana. She's my best friend and I love her lots.

"What's wrong Ani?" Luke asks and puts his hand on my back. "Did you have a nightmare?"

I nod slightly, wrapping my arms around my stomach. "I've been having these nightmares for the past two years, Luke."

"What happens in your nightmares?"

"It's always the same thing. I'm walking down an alley at night, trying to get home, and this guy appears out of now where and starts beating me..." My voice trails off and I cough. "Then he.. um.. well... rapes me."

"That's horrible." Pulling me close, he kisses the top of my head. "It's just a nightmare, Ani. Everything is okay."

"No, it's not okay. You don't understand." I pause and place a lock of hair behind my ear. "Luke, this has actually happened to me. I was raped two years ago and ever since I've been having these nightmares."

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Hi everyone, it's Aaryn. In I Need A Hero, Becky writes and I edit. In this story however, I write and Becky goes over and edits. It's a nice little deal. We would love to hear to hear what you think of the story, whether it's good or bad. It just lets us know what we need to improve on. Jai and Ariana's relationship is based on the song Give Your Heart A Break by Demi Lovato. Luke and Aniliessia's relationship is based on You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. Please click on the external link for the character pictures, you're supposed to see them in a slideshow but if it doesn't come up that way just click the button that says 'View As Slideshow'. (: Well, that's all I have to say for now.


- Aaryn and Becky(:

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