Chapter Four- The ex best friend and bathroom snogs?

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A/N Dedicated to nldawson323 for caps lock love. c: All the support is greatly appreciated loves.

And, --just to make this clear-- the title very clearly says fag in it, but that is not meant to be taken offensively in any way, shape, or form. I do not mean it in a hurtful way, just as a moot point, mostly in favor of the story's plot line.

So...ready to find out who was at the door? :D

I'll shut up now and tell you.


*Still Zayn's P.O.V.*

Alex. My mind said airily. My best friend. He walked over to me, disgust potent in his features. He grabbed my by the collar, pulled me in the air, and spit on me. I hung my head in defeat, knowing I had lost everything. Knowing I had made a mistake. Knowing this would become my life. An every day thing.

"You are disgusting. I can't believe I was ever friends with you, you nasty litte fag." I had already been  called a fag, less than an hour ago, but hearing it from his voice made me break inside. From the boy I'd been friends with all of my life. "Don't ever even look at me again." He said, dropping me to the floor after spitting in my face again. When the door closed behind him, that's when I broke. When I lost it completely. The boy who was helping me before, had stepped back to the sink, pretending not to hear as Alex entered. When Alex had left, he walked back over to me, sliding down the wall beside me, and wrapped me in strong, comforting arms.

"Shh, it'll all be okay." He whispered, trying to console me.

"It won't though." I replied. "I have no one left."

"I'll be here." He said. "Every day."

*end flashback until further notice*

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I had only heard from Chris and Alex once after that, and that was them coming to collect random items the had left at my house in the past. Well, not actually heard from them, they showed up at my house, knocked on the door, and I let them in, then watched them leave wordlessly. What am I going to do with my life? I sighed again, running my hand through my hair, then over my face.

"Maybe I should get some sleep." I said out loud, to no one but myself.


I woke up the next morning feeling a little better. Not much though. I realized it was Saturday, a large grin appearing on my face. I walked down stairs and made breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Yes I know, weird, but this is how I spent my weekends. I sat down on the couch, placing my other meals on the table, and flicked on the telly, surfing through the channels before deciding to watch a film. I smiled, Love Actually. Sappy, girly, romantic, I know. I loved it though.


Skip to Monday bitches.

The weekend had flown by, and before I knew it, I was waking up in my bed to my alarm going off at six a.m.

"Ugh. Balls a.m." (Josh Ramsay style ;D) I grumbled to no one in particular, rolling off of my bed, groaning in pain as I hit the floor. I sighed, staring up at the ceiling. "Well fuck you too then, morning." I said, again to absolutely nobody. I pushed myself off of the floor, walking over to my closet, deciding on wearing My plain black t-shirt, my dark skinny jeans, my black converse, my red varsity jacket, and my aviators with a dark grey beanie. Good enough. I thought to myself.

 As I walked in the doors of the school, the voices stopped, then once again returned as whispers. I mentally sighed, ignoring them as I made my way to my locker.

"Hey fag."

"Hi Niall." I said, faking cheeriness, just to piss him off.

"Don't you 'Hi Niall' me." He said, beginning again with the beating. Starting with my stomach, then my groin, then my head. It was a wonder I didn't have internal bleeding. I felt him dragging me to the bathroom, not caring any more. "Be at my desk when class starts, fag." He hissed, leaving me there. I went through my normal routine with Brown Eyes, for the most part.

"So, Brown Eyes..." I trailed off, him chuckling at the nickname I had given him so long ago.


"What is your name? I've known you for almost two years, but I still don't know your name."

"Well babe, you never asked." He said with a smirk.

"I know. Now answer me." I pouted.


"I wanna knowwww." I whined childishly. He mumbled something that sounded like 'just like he used to be'. "What was that mate?"

"Nothing." He smiled, saddness lurking in his eyes.

"Tell me your nammmmmmmmmmme." I whined again, letting his mumbling drop for now.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyy?" He whined back.

"Because I deserve to know." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Liam." He said simply.

"That's cute." I said with a flirtly smile and a wink. He bursted out laughing. "What's so funny?" I pouted.

"Nice...flirting skills?" He supplied, it came out sounding as more of a question.

"Damn straight, babe." I winked again.

"Do you have a twitch love?" He asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your keeps twitching." He said. I laughed loudly. "What?"

"I...was...winking." I gasped.

"Oh." He looked down shyly.

"It's okay babe. I guess my charm overpowered you. Have you fallen for it yet?" I asked, scooting closer to him. I tilted his chin up with my finger, making him look me in the eyes. He gulped loudly, slightly nodding his head.

"Slowly, but definitely falling for it." He whispered huskily. I smirked then leaned in closer, our noses now touching.

"Good." I whispered back, leaning in the last few centimetres, crashing my lips to his, placing one of my hands on the back of his neck, the other on his hip. He pulled me closer to him by grabbing my hips with both hands and tilting his head. His tounge swiped over my lip and I parted my mouth open slightly, giving him the access he asked for, recieving a throaty, husky moan in return. I felt chills run down my spine at the sound. I may not get the sparks the way I do when Niall touched me, but damn. This was something amazing all in it's own. I could definitely get used to this. He pulled back slightly, his forehead resting on mine.

"Damn." He whispered, panting slightly.


A/N Okay, I know it's a Ziall story and this is clearly Ziam action, but trust me. I didn't know I was going to do this either until I saw the words on the screen when I spell checked. I thought someone was going to walk in, but I guess my mind had other plans? I thought it was good enough, so here you go! Hot make out session? Yeah. In the bathroom too? Really sexual guys. -.-


Anyfuckingwhore, comment, vote, fan. I love you all. c:

You Had Me At Fag (Ziall) *One Direction AU*Where stories live. Discover now