Chapter Six- Niall Special :D *part two*

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A/N Okay, you guys are the greatest people in the flacking world. <3 I love you. c:

Dedicated to threetwoonedirection because she is amazing. Gosh, all of you are amazing. Alright, enough of my sappy love-fest, ONWARDS WHORES!

This chapter is a little more of why Niall's heart is cold. :'( BE PREPARED FOR SADNESS.


*Niall P.O.V.*

As soon as I stepped off of the bus and made my way into my house, I began to panic. I walked in the living room and started pacing. Why? He was fucking coming to my house. MY HOUSE. Coming to terms of me loving him caused me some problems. It made me insane. I wanted nothing more than to impress him.

"What the hell are you so worked up about?" My stepbrother, Liam, asked as he came in the room behind me.

"Nothing." I muttered, pushing past him and going back out the door. I started walking down the road, towards the cemetary. My mom had passed four years ago. Suicide.

She was depressed because she had cancer and the chemo wasn't working. The doctor called with new results and said that it had begun to get better. Excited, I had run to her room.

*cue sad flashback*

I began to smile like an idiot. This was the best possible news, in second to her being healed completely. I jumped in the air, throwing the phone to the ground, without another word to Dr. Mueler or hanging up. I ran to her room.

"Mom! Mom! Guess what!" I slung open her door, not knocking. My heart dropped from my chest after shattering to a million pieces. I felt my stomach knot in fear and tears fill my eyes. "No." I whispered, walking over to my mother's lifeless, bloody body. "M-mom." I stuttered. I grabbed her arm. shaking it violently in a sham attempt to wake her up. I don't know why I did it. Her face was swollen and purple, he motionless body dangling in the air, an old belt around her neck. My mother. Even like this she was beautiful. Bald, purple, still, and lifeless, my mother was gorgeous. She always would be to me. She was my rock, my everything. My entire world revolved around the woman hanging from the ceiling.

I fell to my knees and began to scream. Not screaming words, names, anything. Just, screaming. Suddenly, I stood up; feeling slightly delusional from lack of oxygen.

She wasn't dead, I thought, she will never die. She is my mother. She is my super hero, it isn't possible to die. I smiled happily.

"What game do you want to play mumma?" I asked her brightly.

"How about a round of rummy?" She suggested, eyes twinkling.

"Sounds fun." I chirped. "How do you play?" She spent thirty minutes teaching me how, seeing as I was never good at catching on quickly. I loved that about my mom. She was so patient with my.

"Okay, are you ready for a round playing without my help?" I nodded in response.

One round turned to three, then eight, and pretty soon what felt like minutes had been hours of just the two of us playing.

I heard foorsteps ascending the stairs

"Sounds like your dad's home." Mom said dully. I gave her a confused look, regarding her tome.

"Are you up here Ni-" He opened the door and stopped mid-sentence. I looked up at him from where I was sitting cross-legged on the floor. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? What happened?"

"Mom was teching me how to play rummy." I  wasn't understanding what his petrified look was for.

"Ni, baby." He said, talking to me like I was a small child. "Mom didn't teach you how to play rummy." He looked lost, but determined. "You already knew how. She's gone Niall..."

"No! She can't be!"

(Skip to two days later, I couldn't write any more of that part.)


I didn't cry at the funeral. I couldn't. She left me alone in this life with my father. The man who never has time for anyone. He introduced me to the woman he had been cheating on my mother with. She had no idea about mom. Apparently 'business trips' are now 'let-me-go-take-care-of-my-other-family-while-my-wife-is-dying-a-slow-death trips'.

(skip ahead)


I cried after the funeral. I cried for weeks on end. I screamed all the time, I wouldn't talk to anyone but my step-brother. In a matter of minutes we had become close. He took me in his arms and held me like an older brother would.

After three weeks of nothing but screaming, crying, and cuddling up in Liam's arms at night, my father had had enough. He called an ambulance.

"These nice men will help you. They'll make it all better. I promise." He lied, squeezing my hand in a comforting way. I winced when I felt a needle being pushed into my bum. I drifted off to sleep as I was loaded in the back.

I stayed at the mental facility for two weeks before they deemed me healthy for release. I blocked it from memory after that. I was, however, deemed legally insane. I had lost my mind after my mom passed.


A/N I know that was crappy, choppy, and a billion other things. Would someone mind editing for me? Or giving me tips on how to make it flow better? I need help.

Anywhore, did anyone else cry? If you're confused let me know. I'll explain in 'Hey Guys!', which will be posted only if anyone's confused.

I cried like a baby when I was reading over what I had written to continue with a paragraph after stopping. I couldn't help but picture myself in a position where my mom died...

You Had Me At Fag (Ziall) *One Direction AU*Where stories live. Discover now