Chapter 28:

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We walk a little more underneath the roof full of stars, and when the music starts playing, Dylan turns to me.

"A dance, milady?" He asks, bowing to me slightly and holding out his hand. I smile cheekily and place my hand in his. He jerks me closer suddenly, and I give a little squeak as I almost hit his body. He smiles down at me, and puts his one hand around my waist, pulling me even more close. I put my hand on his shoulder and he leads me in a fancy waltz. I keep looking down at my feet so that I don't step on his feet, or trip and fall.

"Hey," Dylan says, trying to catch my attention. My eyes shoot up from my feet to his face. "Follow me. Relax." He smiles and leads me along slowly. We dance under the moonlight, just him and I.

He leads me beautifully, and my dress swishes as we turn around, and eventually, I become confident enough for him to spin me around, and then he catches me again. The world around us disappears, and instead, just him and I are left, and it feels as though we dance the night away.

Eventually, the music stops, and we are called for dinner. Dylan takes my hand and leads me inside.

"Let's be off then, my princess." He smiles, and marches off confidently, holding tightly onto my hand. I shake my head and follow him, trying to keep up with his quick strides.

As we reach his table, I can see his parents are seated in the middle, Annabelle and Jason are placed next to Arnold, Dylan and Annabelle's father, and Dylan, as far as I can see, is placed next to his mother. I, conveniently, am placed next to Dylan. I narrow my eyes at the back of his head, but I smile stupidly, as he pulls out my seat,  and once I'm seated, pushes it back in again.

He takes his own seat next to his mother, Natalie. She smiles at me, a whispers a quick "Hello." I catch her eyes drift between me and her son, and she smiles happily to herself. So it was her doing...

As soon as Dylan is seated, he placed his hand on my leg, and he squeezes it affectionately and leaves it there until we have to eat. It feels like it is meant to be there. I can't remember the last time I was this happy. I can tell, the rest of this evening is going to be amazing, and as I look at the breathtaking man next to me, I couldn't be more grateful to Annabelle for dragging me to this gala in the first place.


The next morning I wake up late. I went to bed last night at about 3 o'clock, so I decided I deserved a late morning. I yawn and lazily reach to grab my phone. When it switches on, I almost fall off my bed. There are thirteen missed calls, from Dylan.

I dial his number and he answers rather quickly.

"Hey." He says, and he sounds happy, overly happy.

"Hi." I croak back, in my morning voice. I cringe, his voice is a beautiful deep baritone in the mornings, and then you get mine. A frog. 

"Been asleep, Princess?" He chuckles.

"Why have you tried to call me thirteen times?" I emphasise the "thirteen times."

"I'm outside your hotel door, so that we can do something today. I can take you to some touristy places today." He says, and sure enough, I hear a knock on my door. I groan, looking down at my pyjamas. I'm wearing an oversized sweatshirt, and some pyjama shorts, but the shirt passes the pants, so it looks like I'm not wearing any pants. I pull the pants down and try to tame my super messy hair into a bun. Oh well. I fling open the door. Dylan is revealed, leaning against the doorframe, in all his glory at my doorstep.

He has a short black shirt on, and with dark denim jeans. He also wears black sneakers and his signature grin and messy hair. He looks down at my clothing and laughs. "You really did just wake up didn't you?" He continues to laugh and I slam the door shut.

"I'm sorry! I just," he pauses and explodes into another fit of giggles, and he continues, from behind the door I might add, "I have never seen you in pyjamas before, looking so," he giggles again, a deep, hearty sound, "Wild."

I run over to a mirror, and burst out laughing too. My hair is sticking up in every direction, and my shirt is so old, that the writing on it is completely faded, apart from a few small pieces of the original picture. I do look wild. At least I don't have makeup on. Then I would look like a racoon for sure. 

I open the door once again. He is still grinning, and as he looks at me again, he bursts out laughing once more. I point towards him, and then I point towards the couch by the window. "Sit." I order.

I pull clothes out from my suitcase, and then walk into my bathroom. I quickly undress, and throw on my clothes. I chose a pair of dark blue shorts, which have little daisies on them, and then a more fitted white shirt. I leave my hair half up half down, and add some mascara and some lipgloss. Finally, I pull on a pair of white sandals which I can walk around in comfortably. Once I open the door once again, I look at Dylan, who is lying on my bed, hands behind his head. He is staring at the ceiling, and he sits up when I open the door. He smiles.

"Ah, there she is again." He comments and hold out his arm. "Come, princess." He comments.

"Princess?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, only noticing now, the nickname he gave me.

"You are my Princess, and I, your Prince Charming." He states, and I scrunch my nose.

"Charming? Are you sure?" I tease, and he winks.

"Handsome, Charming, same thing, sunshine." He says arrogantly. I scoff.

"Sure about that, honey?" I ask.

"Alex, whether or not you want to admit it out loud or not, we both know I'm breathtakingly handsome." He brags. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, with the ego the size of the entire Milky Way galaxy." I retort and he smirks at me.

"But, I of course, forgot to mention one thing." He says, as he leads me out the hotel.

"Hmmm?" I reply softly, and Dylan motions to the man to get his car, I assume. The man nods, and sure enough, a shiny red Ferrari pulls up to the bottom of the stairs. My mouth drops open and Dylan smirks at my reaction. He takes my hand.

"I forgot to mention, that my princess, is the most beautiful, exquisite, and drop dead gorgeous woman I have ever seen." He admits, and my mouth forms a wide smile.

"I do hope you are speaking about me." I say, letting go of his hand.

"Who else? You are the one and only." He smirks widely at me, and opens the car door for me, and I climb inside. So much for walking all around Paris.

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