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I tried to lift my finger to caress her face but failing miserably. How many days, am I going to be like this? Never ever I had felt this type of weakness in my innumerable faints. I can't move my legs nor my hands. What is happening to me? Khushi will feel bad na. How am I gonna lift her? How will I rescue her if she fall? Argh...

I exhales a sharp breath and try to lift my arm again. She's here, lying beside me in unconscious state. Aman said she fainted hearing my state. My brave girl fainted hearing my state. She's fretting so much. Didn't she the one who rescued me from the clutches of kidnappers? Then how come she fainted.

"Khushi..." I calls her. She remains to keep mum and sleeping peacefully.


How I wish to cuddle her and wake her up by stroking her cheeks fondly. 


I calls her again as that was the only option left for me. Thankfully, she stirs in her sleep. Probably she heard me.

Her furrowed brows encourage me to wake her.

"Khushi Jaan..."

First time, I used an endearment. This is how I wished to call her. But circumstances never let me.


Her eyeballs moved inside her closed lids which clearly indicates her waking form.

"Khushi Jaan..."

She opens her eyes finally. A wave of excitement washed over my system. I am going to hear her call me 'Arnavji'. I am going to enjoy her pampering. I am going to spend all my life with her.

With the same enthusiasm, I calls her to divert her attention towards me as her eyes are busy in adjusting to the light "Jaan..."

Her doe eyes widens in shock. Oh man, How much I love her perfect O's! I just want to kiss her senseless.


Finally, her eyes lands on me and her eyes almost popped out from it's sockets.

"Er.. Hi.." I face palms mentally. Who on the earth wish his wife like this?

"YOU..." She almost yells in surprise and wanders her vision throughly on the room.

Why is she looks surprised?

"Yess me... Where are you? I was waiting for you from long. Look I am fine now. Khu..."

"You didn't change, are you? How dare you Arnav Singh Raizada? How dare you to kidnap me? Didn't your ego satisfied still? Who the hell you think you're? After calling me your Biggest Mistake of your life, you're still behind me. Oh now I got it, you need someone to show your frustration na. So you kidnapped me here. I am warning you last time Mr. Raizada, stay in your limits. I am not your punch bag which you can punch your words whenever you want. Unlike you, I've heart. So I'll pray to God for your recovery. But never ever again show your face to me." She lashes out and breathing heavily.

Ok. Admitted, I was a jerk back then. But doesn't that changed after our marriage. We're happy na. And what's she saying something about kidnapping. What the heck! I am her husband for god sake, why would I kidnap her


I open my mouth to clear the misunderstanding. Already we had enough misunderstandings, I can't afford more.

But she step down from the temporary bed in haste. She blinks her eyes. I think, still she isn't out of her groggy state.


"I hate you Raizada. I HATE YOU. I thought you has little humanity left in you. But alas! You proved once again you're Beast. I wish I had never met you. YOU'RE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. Wish I could reverse the time the day we met. Wish I never fall in love with you. If you hadn't entered in my life, my life would've been happy.... Good bye Mr. Raizada."


She didn't wait there. She starts to go towards the entrance. No, I can't let her. Let me be her biggest mistake of her life. But I'll not let her to suffer for the same. I'll treat her like a princess. Soon she'll love me. It's just her anger speaking.


She is not hearing my words. My heart starts to gallop against ribcage with unknown anxiety. She's leaving me. No, I can't let that happen. She cannot leave me like this.

Gritting my teeth, I try to lift my arm. Why my limbs are not moving? Applying extra force, I clenched my teeth and try to get up from the bed.

I ain't showing any improvement. I need to muster extra strength. Gathering all my energy, I successfully lifted my arm. Yes, I can do it.


I closed my fist to gain some strength from it. I can move my fingers. I bring all my energy at one point and shifts my legs lightly.

Khushi is opening the door. I need to act fast. I need to stop her. With the same determination, I put my foot down on the floor. I don't know why my arms and legs are shivering.

Ignoring all, I shifted my whole body weight to my feet. Lifting a leg I was about to take a step..


I fell right against the floor breaking my face on the process.

Khushi is gone. She left me.

Tears leaked from my eyes. No, ASR doesn't accept defeat. Clenching the cot, I stood up and my limbs trembles. ASR never losses. Grabbing the bed for support, I took few steps.

Thankfully, I found a walking stick on a corner. Limbs starts to pain. Will that pain stop me from reaching Khushi? Never. Taking quivering steps, I took the walking stick.

Hurriedly I try to walk out but tumbled down on the way. Who cares, I need khushi. I opens the door in hurry.

A sigh of breath escapes from my involuntarily. She's with Aman. But wait, why Aman is looking worried. With the help of walking stick, I took one step ahead and roots to the spot hearing Khushi words.

"We've Future Rajiv. Take me from here. I want to be in our home."

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