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What the hell? Wait, with whom she's speaking. I narrow my eyes and found a mobile on her other hand. How did I failed to see that? She said a hospital name on the phone. With whom she is speaking? Who's Rajiv?


She turns harshly after thrusting the mobile in Aman hands.


Before I speak to Khushi Aman jumps forward leaped on my arms.

"What the!"

"I am straight Aman." Words flow out and I didn't regret after seeing a surprised look from Khushi.

"You're standing ASR. You can move your arms." He express his happiness while my eyes fixed on my happiness.


She turned her face away. If I am not wrong, her eyes are misted.

"Khushi... Khushi... We've to talk." I pushed Aman away and went near her.

"Yes bhabhi. We need to talk." Aman intervenes out of nowhere.

"What the!"

"ASR it's serious. If you not let me talk with her now, then you'll land in a big trouble." Aman warns much to my wonder.

My limbs starts to ache more.

"Do it fast." I give permission half-heartedly. If Aman is stubborn then surely there's something more into it.

"I think you should lay in bed. I'll call doctor. We can speak after that. Come.. it's not good for you to stand long." Aman held my arms to support me which I shrugs it.

"Finish what you started Aman. I'll not entertain any such things sooner."

"Will you both just stop it?"

I zip my mouth instantly as Khushi voice boomed on my ears. Her brows frowned in annoyance. She stood glaring us sternly.

"Er... Bhabhi... ASR has no ide..." Aman start to say something only then that thing fell on my eyes. Taking a step forward, I narrow my eyes in scrutiny.

"You bought new mangalsutra. What happened to the one you wore earlier. I didn't like this. Change into the one which you wore earlier."

"What the hell? Is it some joke? If then it was sick."

"What's there to joke? I simply didn't like it. Change it." I says in annoyance slipping my finger inbetween her skin and mangalsutra.

Next moment, I stumbles back with the force she pushed my hands away. Not that she was strong but it's my weakness I stumbled back.

"ASR.." Aman come forward to help me.

"I know, you don't believe in marriages and make fun of it. But this was the limit. What do you think of yourself? Who are you to order me to change my mangalsutra?" Khushi pointed her index finger.

"I am your husband dammit." I yells at her face. She's saying as if I asked her to kill someone. Can't I've the right to tell her to change the thing which binds us?

"You WAS my husband Mr. Raizada. A CONTRACTED ONE remember. Our contract ended last year itself Raizada. Now you're no one to order me."

"Stop calling me Mr. Raizada. What had happened to you? Did you hit your head somewhere? We already sorted out our contract marriage issues and married again willingly. What's wrong with you?"

"ASR... Please stop it. First go inside."

"You shut up Aman. She's blabbering nonsense and you want me to sit quiet. Never."

"You shut up Arnavji. First of all I am not blabbering anything. It's you who is speaking nonsense. You did everything and here you're trying to act a victim card. You're the one who told me, I am your biggest mistake of your life. Then what happened now? You lost your right on me, the moment our contract ended. The mangalsutra on my neck was not tied by you. You have no right to make comment on that."

Her each words are like fuel to the fire. How dare she say something like that? She belongs to me. I belong to her. No one! I'll not allow ANYONE to come between us. One Shyam is enough to destroy our lives and he did already. I'll not allow anyone. She belongs to me. Her heart is with me. She has to wear mangalsutra only on my name. Her partition was my right. She's MINE!

Without delay, I slipped my finger underneath her mangalsutra and pulled it harshly. NO ONE HAS RIGHT TO TOUCH MY POSSESSION, MY KHUSHI, MY ANGEL, MY JAAN.

Black beads scattered on the corridor. I felt immense satisfaction seeing everything rolling down for it's life. ASR will never accept defeat.



Everything around me spins. In no time, I felt darkness surrounding me. Eyes drooped shut and a shout was what I heard before completely going blank.


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