Kurama's Kits

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Madara, Sasuke and Pansa are standing outside of the base belonging to Konan and Yahiko. They sneak inside killing anybody who approaches them or tries to tell anybody that they're coming. The needed to resolve this issue now before their kits come into the world. Sasuke especially. They split up to cover more ground. Sasuke and Pansa must make it out uninjured or their mates will never let them live it down. Madara came to room, he opened the door and saw two people he thought were dead. Both of them lifted their head to the bright lights. One of the two people gasped.
"Madara Uchiha."
The second one looked between the two and smiled shyly.
"I don't know who you are but my wife seems to knows. Minato Namikaze." Madara stood there shocked. What the hell is going on here.

Sasuke entered the middle room and opened the door. He adjusted his eyes and walked in. He saw three people with Raven hair they all had their hair down. Covering their face. He sliced the chains off and went to the first person.
"Are you okay?" The person stiffened when they heard that voice. The other two voices started crying.
"Are you three Alright." Sasuke Ask As Sasuke lifted up the head of the one he was at.
"Are you okay..." he looked into his eyes and stopped. He was looking at Itachi but he saw him die.
"Itachi." Sasuke whispered out.
"Sasuke is that you?" Sasuke turned his head.
"Mother, Father how are you alive I saw all three of you die." Sasuke stepped back from his family and Mikoto just cried she couldn't comprehend any of this but neither could Sasuke.

Pansa entered the last room and he saw a blue haired woman and a orange haired fellow.
"Ah So Nice Of you to join us tell us where is our prodigy?" The man spoke.
"My Otouto whereabouts is none of your concern." He Said As he pulled out a sword.
"Oh well no matter we will get him, he must die for the sake of the shinobi world."
"What is this world you speak or."
"He is the child of the prophecy. The one born from the two strongest clans will save the shinobi world."
"So why are you killing him."
"Because the shinobi ways must continue, there will be no peace when there is hatred in the world and by killing Sasuke the shinobi world will continue to evolve and harden over time."

A voice scoffed as he came in.
"That's not how the world works. You are only going to breed misery and more misery." Madara walked in with Minato and Kushina.
"You all must die." Kushina said pulling out her sword.
"Leave it to my mother in-law to already start a fight. The people looked and Sasuke walked in with Itachi Mikoto and Fugaku. Sasuke smiled.
They all looked at the two and this fight was over as soon as it stared. Mikoto and Kushina basically did everything while the men stood back and watched. Madara looked at Kushina fight and saw so much of their son in her. Minato looked back at his wife with a smile. Fugaku looked at his wife and shuddered. Mikoto was scary with her Sharigan activated. Itachi looked on smirking. After Konan and Yahiko were dead Sasuke set the place on fire with his Amaterasu. They all fled back to Konoha.

Naruto and Kurama sat up and grabbed there marks. Kenoshiro jumped up when he seen that.
"What's wrong." Keno asked.
"Sasuke he's happy." Naruto Said As he rubbed his mark
"Like immensely happy. Something happened on that mission.
"Pansa is feeling the same way. I wondered what happened." Kurama's kits felt there dad and decided they wanted out.
"Fucking Hell." Kurama Said As he grabbed his stomach. Naruto and Kenoshiro looked to him.
"Kits?" Naruto Ask and Kurama nodded. Naruto and Keno left the room. Demons can deliver on their own it's just when they do they go through immense pain. Naruto put seals around the house because Kurama was going to be loud.

Pansa was laughing with Itachi while Sasuke was getting to know Naruto's mom. Suddenly his mark started pulsing. He stopped walking.
"Shit Sasuke Kits." Pansa started running. Sasuke heard Kits.
"I'm going to be an uncle." Sasuke ran after Pansa. Madara picked up the pace as well. Everybody shrugged but followed not wanting to be left behind.

"IM GOING TO KILL PANSA FOR KNOCKING ME UP." Naruto chuckled a little as well as Keno. So you heard wails and Kurama chakra simmered down. Naruto disabled the seals and went upstairs. He saw Kurama with three beautiful kids. Two girls one boy with the boy being the oldest. Naruto cooed at the baby girl that looked so much like Kurama.
"I'm an uncle or aunt whatever the kids want to call me." Naruto Said As he picked up the child. Keno picked up Kurama's son. Kurama smiled.
"What are the kits name." Naruto asking the older of the girls. Kurama first son looked exactly like Pansa. He only had Kurama whisker marks. The oldest girl in Naruto arms had Kurama red hair and whisker marks and had Pansa purple eyes. The youngest daughter had Pansa hair And Kurama whisker and eyes. Kurama looked at all of the kids and smiled.
"My son name is Moku. Oldest daughter Natsuki and Youngest Nami." Kurama smiled and the door slammed open.

"Naruto." Sasuke called.
"Upstairs." Naruto called. Everybody walked upstairs to see Naruto. Pansa opened the door to see three kits and a cooing Kurama. Kurama looked up and smiled.
"Pansa. Look at our children. The room Cooed and Naruto looked up. He blinked and Blinked.
"Mother?" Naruto Said tears threating to fall. Naruto handed Natsuki to her dad and hugged his mother.
"Oh Naruto how you grown" Kushina Said. Minato smiled. He knew Naruto wasn't his son due to the walk home but he still felt like a parent to him.
"Naruto you've grown up." Minato Said As he ruffled Naruto hair. Naruto smiled.
"Dad, you may not be my real dad but people often tell me I am just like you. Naruto smiled with tears down his eyes.
"Minato our son is a powerful shinobi. Surpasses me and Kushina In Kenjutsu, you in Sealing and Ninjutsu and his Sharigan is only second to his mate." Madara hugged Minato as he cried.

Mikoto squealed As she saw the babies. Then she saw Kenoshiro.
"Keno, How are you?"
"I'm good Mikoto, thank you for Sasuke. Although he acts like everybody in your clan." Sasuke puffed his cheeks and Itachi laughed. Mikoto smiled as looked at the baby.
"Say Fukagu. Sasuke has surpassed every Uchiha with his prowess his Ninjutsu is second to his mate and Taijutsu is better than Madara's" Kenoshiro laughed as he catches Madara pout. Fukagu smiled.
"Sasuke I am proud of you even if you aren't my blood son." Sasuke smiled at his dad.

"Kurama whats our kits name." The eldest daughter cooed in her fathers arm.
"Moku is the child Keno holding Natsuki is in your arms and Nami in mines." Kurama yawned.
"As much as I love a family reunion I just had kits and I want to sleep." Naruto nodded and shoved everybody downstairs. Kurama laid his kids in a bassinet and laid down with Pansa.
"You're glowing."
"I just had your kids I better be." They laughed and drifted off to sleep.

"Sasuke I missed you." Naruto jumped on Sasuke back and smiled. Sasuke sat down and Naruto repositioned himself.
"Tell us everything that happened since we died." Mikoto Said and Sasuke and Naruto nodded. They told their family everything minus the sex you know.

"Ah me and Third knew you two would end up together." Itachi Said and Naruto smiled.
"Yeah well the third knew me better than I knew me."
"So you're telling me the two people up stairs are demons." Fugaku Said
"Yes they're family. They watched us when nobody else did." Sasuke said
"So Madara and Kenoshiro are together." Minato Ask and Keno nodded.
"You two are expecting." Kushina Said Naruto smiled and nodded.
"I'm a month along, I'll only carry for five months." Kushina and Mikoto squealed.
"We're all going to be Grandparents."
"I'm going to be an Uncle." Itachi smiled as he ruffled Sasuke's hair.
"I'm going to be a father." Sasuke smiled. Naruto yawned and rested his head on Sasuke shoulder.
"Sleepy." Naruto fell asleep on Sasuke and he chuckled.

"Mom, Dad, Itachi you can stay in any room. Minato Kushina, stay as well Naruto would love to have you two around. Also Kakashi would love to see you Minato." Sasuke Said As he picked up Naruto.
"Where you going baby?" Mikoto asked her son.
"To sleep with my Mate."

The parents looked around the room.
"Well we all should reintroduce ourself in the world since we died." Itachi Said and everybody nodded.
"How did you even come back to life?"
"Reanimation that failed. Instead of bringing us back to control us, they did a handsigns wrong and we came back to life with everything intact." Madara smiled.

Once the parents were settled they all went to sleep. Life was better for all and Naruto and Sasuke couldn't wait for the arrival of their kids.

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